[S1] Knock, knock. Who's there? Pain.

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Grif, Seville, and Sarge were having a conversation while Lopez was fixing the Warthog.

Grif: And then I thought, you know, we could sneak around the side while they were hiding behind the rock, but, uh, well, that's when the tank showed up and... shit just started blowing up, I don't know.

Sarge: (sighs) Grif... Do you have any godly idea how much this piece of equipment costs?

Grif: I-I don't know, like, uh, what... ten, T-Ten-twenty, Twenty-five bucks, maybe? Uh... You-you're all gonna kill me now, aren't you?

Seville: You have no freaking clue how expensive this thing is, Not even counting maintenance and fuel costs. You're just digging your own grave, Private.

Lopez stop repairing the Warthog and turns towards Grif.

Sarge: Tell you what, Grif. I'm a fair man. I'll give you a 10 second head-start before I let Lopez and Seville do anything he wants to you."

Grif: Guys, I just want you to know, I'm really, really sorry about-

Lopez and Seville pull out their weapons and aims at Grif, though Seville may regret it but, seeing how Grif wasted a valuable asset to the team, Grif deserves the punishment.

Sarge: 5 Mississippi. 6 Mississippi.

Grif slowly walks away from them.

Grif: Okay, uh, I guess I'd better get going then.

Seville, Sarge and, Lopez look at each other, then start shooting at Grif.

Grif: Hey guys, not funny! Somebody could get hurt here.


Azumi and Tucker are standing next to Tex, while Tex fires at someone.

Tucker: That's basically it, sir. They have Seven guys over there and a big jeep.

Tex: (voice filter) "And your flag."

Tex  reloads.

Tucker: Right. That too.

Tex throws a grenade

Tucker: Uh, hey, Tex? I don't know what it's been like at your other bases, but we try to not use other soldiers as target practice here.

Caboose is standing in front of a Parapet full of bullet holes.

Caboose: I'm scared...

Unbeknownst to the rest, Azumi is very angry at Tex shooting her friend as target practice. She urges not to use her sword to cut Tex into pieces.

Tucker: So you've got the special forces black armor I see... Were you in the special forces at some point?

Tex reload her weapons

Tucker: Yeah, I used to have black armor too. It was black because I got this stuff all over it from th-

Tex leaves the base.

Tucker: Okay, you gotta go? I'll see you later.

Caboose: (whispers) I don't think he likes you."

Tucker: Thanks.

Azumi, Caboose and, Tucker went to the corner of the base to know where Tex is going.

Tucker: Where are you going?

Tex:(voice filter) Red base. Kill everybody. Get the flag back.

red vs blue(w/OCs): The Blood Gulch Chronicles (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now