[S1] Points of Origin

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Middle of nowhere

Tex: As far as I'm concerned, I'm square with you.

Azumi, Caboose, and, Tucker turn to face Church.

Church: I saved you from a life of imprisonment. How the hell are you square with me?

Azumi, Caboose, and, Tucker turn towards Tex.

Tex: Because I didn't kill you back at Sidewinder.

Then to Church.

Church: You know, I don't really see how not killing somebody is the same thing as doing them a favor.

Then to Tex.

Tex: Well, if you don't appreciate it, I could just kill you right now.

Church: No you can't, I'm already dead, bitch! I guess the joke's on you!

Caboose: Stop it! Stop fighting. Can't you see that you're tearing us apart? WHAT ABOUT US?"

Tex: What about you?

Caboose: We helped you too. And what do we get? Nothing!

Tex: Well yeah, but...

Church: Yeah, but nothin'. He's got a point.

Tex: I did help them get the flag back.

Tucker: Yeah, but you were paid to do that. We rescued you as a favor. We could have just let you rot in the red army prison, it wouldn't have made any difference to us.

Tex: Fine, I'll stay here as long as it takes to help you guys win this thing. As soon as I have, I'm outta here. What do you need me to do?

Tucker: I have no idea. If you knew how to fix a tank, I would have you do that.

Tex: okay.

Caboose: Wait, you know how to fix Sheila? ...I love you.

Azumi rolled her eyes and smiles at Caboose.


At the top of the base, Seville, Simmons, Ayumi, Grif, and, Donut is listening to what Lopez is saying.

Lopez: [Spanish][so I told him "you do not weigh more, I weigh more." Then we put our bodies on the scale and determined that I had the greatest weight. After that they called me "Lopez the heavy"]

Grif: Man. First he doesn't talk at all, and now we can't get him to shut up. What's he saying?

Simmons: What're you asking me for?

Grif: Well you know, because you're of uh, a Latino persuasion.

Simmons: Simmons isn't a Spanish name, you dumbass. I'm Dutch Irish.

Grif: But I thought-

Simmons: What.

Grif: Eh, never mind.

Grif turns to Ayumi

Grif: I know that you're Japanese, Okuto.

Ayumi: Mhm.

Grif then, turns to Seville

Grif: How about you? Seville.

Seville: Quezon.

Simmons: What? from the Philippines?

Seville: Reach. Planet Reach.

Simmons: Oh?

The group went silent in a minute until Donut Interrupts.

Donut: I'm from Iowa.

Grif and Simmons: Nobody cares!


Azumi, Tucker, and, Caboose are sneaking up on Sheila. Church appears then talks to them.

Church: Okay, take it easy guys, when I was over at the red base, I saw that they've already got their jeep fixed. So whatever you do, don't let 'em see us before we get Sheila back online.

Caboose: Okay, okay. Even if we get Sheila fixed, how are we going to turn her over, I mean it's not as if we could just lift!

Caboose saw Tex flips Sheila back over.

Caboose: Oh. She is a very strong lady.

Azumi: Mhm.

Church: I'm the one that's the least visible, so I'm gonna head up here to higher ground, I'll keep an eye on the red base. If I see anything, I'll let you know.

Caboose: Great, I'll come with you!

Church: That kinda defeats the purpose, Caboose.

Caboose: Okay. What if I'm really... (quieter) really... (whispering) quiet?

Church: Do you even understand what the term 'visibility' means?

Caboose: Ah hah hah, uhh... good one Church.

Church: Seriously. You don't know what it means, do you.

Caboose: Uh no.

Church: Caboose, just stay here man, and try not to swallow your tongue or anything like that.

Tucker: Just watch the red base, and tell us if you see any movement.

Tucker runs up to Tex, welding on the tank.

Tucker: So, I suppose if you're helping us, you're not as mean as I thought.

Tex: I wouldn't say I'm mean, I just get hired to do mean things.

Tucker: Yeah, but you like it.

Tex: Well I think it's important to enjoy what you do.

Tucker: So let's say I payed you to kill Caboose.

Tucker turns to Caboose, looking at Blue base instead of Red base like he was supposed to. Azumi pats Caboose at the back. Caboose looks at her, then Azumi points towards the right way.

Tucker: You would still do it, right? Even though you're supposed to be helping us?

Tex: Is this a hypothetical discussion, or should we start talking numbers?

Tucker: Yeah, I don't wanna talk about this any more.

Church is up on the ledge where he got blown up

Church: Hey Tucker!

Tucker: What!?

Church: What the hell is my body still doing up here?

Tucker: That's part of being dead, Church. Your body doesn't really move around much any more. Maybe you haven't fully grasped the concept yet.

Church: Alright, well let me rephrase that then. Why in the hell haven't you buried my body yet?

Tex glances at Church.

Tucker: Buried? With what? All we have are pistols and rifles. What do you want me to do, shoot you a grave?

Church: Well then how about shipping me back home. You know, let the loved ones pay a little respect.

Tucker: Well Church, here's your girlfriend.

Tucker turns to Tex

 Tucker: Tex, as one of Church's loved ones, would you like to pay your respects? 

Tex turns around and starts working on the tank again. Tucker then turn towards Church.

Tucker: That was a stirring eulogy. Rest in peace, good buddy!

==The End==

A/N: Hey guys, thank you for reading this chapter and, I hope you guys enjoy the story!

red vs blue(w/OCs): The Blood Gulch Chronicles (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now