Part 3

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After dinner I met with my father in his base.
"Okay, your plan is to steal the block of gold down at the bank, tomorrow night" my father said
"Okay what do i do" i replied
" you will enter the bank from the ventilations that are in the back of the bank. Open every opening and check for security guards. If their are you shoot them with your gun"He said handing me the my gun. "Okay, once its clear go into the camera room, and turn off all the systems. So you can enter. Once your done with that you will go to the 3rd floor and look for the gold there" father said
"Once i get the gold, where will i meet you" i said taking the gun
"You will meet me in the back of the bank where you started" father said picking up the map
"Okay, goodnight father" i said as i kissed his forehead. I went and showered and then went to bed. (Next morning) i woke up as usual i got ready and headed for breakfast. Angelique was already at breakfast waiting for me.
"Hey, sorry i woke up and i couldn't go back to sleep" Angelique said passing me a cup of coffee.
"No no your fine. I couldn't really sleep either" i replied
"You wanna go now" she said standing up
"Yea lets go" i replied. We got to school when i seen Alejandro put his arms around Angelique. I watched them kiss and talk. I waited for Angelique inside the classroom when she told me "Were dating"
"wait wait who again" i replied as i stared off
"Me and alejandro" she said smiling
"Oh Yeah thats right" i replied nodding my head. Soon Mattia walked into class
"Seems like your friend and my friend are dating"
"Yes, their a problem with that" i said as i turned to him
" actually yes. Me and Alejandro are on the PML's side and you and your friend are in the ML's side" he said smirking
"So, as long as its secret nothing will happen to both of them. Thinkk" i said putting my finger on mattias head. (Skipping to lunch) me and Angelique were talking when kairi came over
"Hey girls" he said
"Hey, whats up" we smiled
"I know we cant be friends but i want to let you guys know that were all cool with you but Mattia" Kairi said looking down
"Its fine, were enemies its okay" i said smiling
"Anyways, theirs a party on Saturday and wanted to know if you guys wanted to come" Kairi said as he sat down
"Yea well be there, just send me the address Saturday morning " i said looking at Angelique then back at Kairi "great okay bye" kairi said as he stood up and left. After school, Angelique was going with Alejandro so i went home alone. I got home and waited for the time to strike. It was 9:50 when i got ready. I wore a black bodysuit with black slip on vans. I arrived to the back of the bank at 10:20. I opened the ventilation and entered. I checked every opening. it was clear. I took 2 lefts and a right to the system room. I opened the ventilation to the system room and shot 2 guards with my gun. After that, I hacked the computers and turned off the access to everything. I pulled out my gun just in case. I got to the 3rd floor and saw 2 guards laying on the ground, they were dead.
"Father someone beat me to it" I mumbled
"Get that gold and Fight back" he said as i walked into the room. As the person stood up i pointed my gun behind its head and they turned around.
"Take the mask off. Im not afraid to shoot" i said as i threw his bag on the ground. They took of the mask revealing its identity.
"MATTIA" i yelled
"Yay you caught me. You came here for the gold as well didn't you" he said smirking
"And I'm pretty sure its in your bag" i said looking down at the bag
"Your not going to get it" he said keeping his eyes on me.
"Watch me" i said turning back to him. I quickly turned around when he grabbed my wrist I looked back and punched him in the face he suddenly let go. It gave me a chance to get the bag. As soon as i got the bag, I turned around to kick Mattia when he suddenly grabbed my leg and twisted it making me do a flip and letting go of the bag. He grabbed the bag and ran out threw the back door, leaving it open. I grabbed my gun and ran after him, I saw my father and I signaled him. I kept running and then I jumped on Mattia making him fall on the ground letting go of the bag. I got up holding him by his arm so he wouldn't go get the bag. I turned over to where my father was and signaled him to stop, when suddenly i heard a gun shot, and I fell onto the ground..everything was foggy...i heard voices from close then going far (wake up y/n.. get back up...honey can you hear me) then everything went black.

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