Part 18

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Back to y/n
I woke up and saw i was tied up in a chair. All I remember was me and Angelique heading for a run when someone was holding her as she was screaming and while someone covered my mouth and nose where everything went black. I heard voices and then I saw 2 mans in front of me.
"Its time, kill her" one man said
"No i cant" the other man replied
"Do it" one man said as he left the room. I stayed quiet as i got my focus back when the man took of his mask.
"MATTIA" i yelled
"Im sorry y/n" mattia said as tears ran his cheeks
"What, wait you kidnapped me" i asked. He stayed
"Why did you" i said as my voice got higher
"I had too. This was my mission. Thats why i asked you to be my friend because i needed you to fall for the tramp" he said looking down
"And your supposed to kill me? Why" i asked as tears formed in my eyes
"My father said that your the only thing that matters to your father and he would do anything for you. And my father really wants that diamond" he said as he looked back at me
"I cant believe this. You lied to me, it was all fake? Everything we did together, literally everything meant nothing to you?" I said as tears ran threw my cheeks
"It did mean something to me. Im sorry y/n, i didnt want to hurt you. I had too" mattia replied
"Mattia, i loved you. Time stopped every time i was around or with you. We have gotten really close to the point where we could be a thing, buh no.." i said as i kept expressing my feelings
"I love you too, you mean everything to me! I think about you all the time, this hurts me more than it hurts youu" he said as he started balling his eyes. The other man soon came down which was his father. They were talking and talking when suddenly mattias father got out a gun, loaded it, and pointed it at me.
"Shoot her now and get rid of her when shes dead" his father said as he left again. Mattia was crying and crying and then he came to me pointing the gun.
"" i said crying
"Im sorry y/n" he said as he wiped his tears. I was begging for him not to buh then i closed my eyes..and gun shot was fired...I opened my eyes after the sound went away. He missed. I looked everywhere and found the dent he made on the floor.
"im letting you go" mattia said as he untied the ropes. He waited until the coast was clear and then we got in his car.
Father's pov
I was proposing to Paulina. She said yes. Buh soon Angelique arrived crying. She said they had kidnapped y/n. My heart sank, i wasn't gonna loose her like i lost her mother so we (whole family) went to go look for her. We spent the while night and morning looking for her and their was no sign. We headed back home to get some rest and then went looking for her again...
Back to y/n
We had arrived at the lake where mattia let me go. I was crying so much mattia tried hugging me.
"Stop dont touch me" i yelled
"Y/n" mattia said as tears formed
"No i dont wanna hear it! You lied to me, you faked everything. I loved you and you asshole i hate you so muchhh" i said hitting his chest. Mattia just stayed their as tears rolled down his cheeks. I left running and saw my father and my family. I ran to him bursting with tears as i fell in his arms.
"Honey what happened. Im here now your safe" father said as tears rolled his cheeks as well.
"Mattia kidnapped me" i replied
"Im bouts to beat his ass" Angelique yelled
"Forget about it lets go home" I continued. We arrived home. I took a shower and changed into some shorts and a hoodie. I explained everything to my father and family. I then headed up stairs with Angelique. She was with mariano.
"Hey, may i ask what happened" mariano said as i entered the room.
"He faked everything. It was his mission to kidnap me and kill me. So he came to me asked me to be friends and all. Ofc i fell into his tramp. And here we are now" i said as i kept stuttering from crying
"Wait till i see him on Monday . And anything else happened" he asked
"We expressed our feelings to each other and yea. He shot the gun buh he missed on purpose" i replied
"At least nothing happened and your with us now" Angelique said hugging me. I stayed with them and fell asleep. I decided i wasnt gonna go to school anymore because of what happened and it was gonna end pretty soon anyways.
Monday morning (mattias pov)
I got up showered and the usual. Ive ben texting and calling y/n buh she blocked me on everything. The group knew what happened and they didn't bother talking to me at all. It was the last month of school, which just made it worse. I arrived to school and found kairi and ale. I tried talking to them buh nothing. Then mariano and Angelique arrived. Mariano walked up to me and punched me. I tried getting him off of me buh I couldn't. The group soon then got him off of me.
"I can explain why i did it" i said
"We dont want to hear it" kairi claimed
"You hurt her so badd, she wont eat, sleep, or do anything" Mariano said as tears formed
"Guys let him explain just this once" Angelique said as she held Mariano back.
"Me and y/n were still enemies when it all happened. As me and y/n got close i gained feelings for her. I didnt want to do this buh i had to or I would have been dead. I love her so much that it hurted me and it still does. I know im an idiot buh im quiting from this gang shit. Y/n has changed me, and im willing to do anything to get her to forgive and come back to me" i said crying
"I believe mattia, and im sorry if you guys dont but i know we will get his trust back. I give mattia another chance" Angelique replied as she hugged me and then looked at the guys. The boys were still upset so i just headed to class.

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