Part 26

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Marianos pov
Kairi, y/n and mattia had soon then came onto the dance floor, and we were having fun. At one point a slow dance had joined the floor. Me and kairi returned back to the table while the rest were dancing. Me and kairi were shipping, and making fun of mattia and y/n. Kairi pulled out his phone and started recording, i looked to where his phone was pointing. It was pointing to y/n and mattia sharing a kiss...soon then a boy came their way, he stopped and tapped y/n's shoulder.
"Hector your here" y/n said as she opened her arms. The rest of the group came back and just watched.
"Can we talk" hector said as he hugged her. Y/n and hector had left to the front.
"Dont yall think somethings kinda wrong" kairi exclaimed
"Na" ale and i replied
"Why" mattia asked
"Hector is a good guyy" Angelique said
"Mmh idk" kairi said as he got a drink. It had been about 10 mins, so we waited and waited for y/n to come back but nothing.
"Maybe your right" i said
"Soo yall wanna go see whats up" kairi asked
"You guys can goo, ima stay over here and not get into trouble" Angelique said as she looked at everyone
"Come on dont be lamee" alejandro said
"Ugh we'll be back" kairi said as he waved to her. We got yo where their were and just hid by some bushes.
"This was great and all but i have to go" hector said
"Your not staying" y/n said as she grabbed his arm
"No" hector replied
"Why" y/n asked
"Look its about mattias dad escaping from jail" Hector said
"You know about that" y/n replied
"Yes cus with him." Hector said as he looked to the ground
"Does that mean you work with him" y/n said as she grabbed his chin and made him look up
"I dont but i know what their up too" Hector said
"What are they up too" Y/n asked
"They want you dead. their tryna end you and your father, and i think he's coming" Hector replied
"What do you mean" y/n asked
"Like i think thats him, go just go" Hector said as he pointed to a car. Y/n was running by the bushes when i grabbed her and pulled her in with us.
"what the heck" y/n yelled
"just be quiet" alejandro said as he placed his hands on her mouth. We stayed silent and kept peeking to see what was going on.
Back at y/n
The boys had pulled me into the bushes with them. Matthew had arrived and was now talking to hector.
"Where is she" matthew said
"Shes not here" hector replied
"This is her fathers wedding, she has to be here" matthew said as he spit on the ground
"What do you want" hector sighed
"You know what i want, i have my finger on the trigger. Chop chop" matthew said as he pulled out his gun
"Dont do this. She just left like not so long ago" hector replied
"Hey guyss, what yall up too" Angelique yelled as she posed. *gun shot*
"Hectorrrr" i yelled as i ran to him.
"Shit shit shit" kairi yelled as well. Screams were heard from the back meaning the guests had all heard.
"Someone go tell my father and paulina that hector got shott, and ill take him to the hospital" i yelled as tears formed
"Ill come with" Angelique said as she helped me pick up hector
"Lets all just go, ill be back" mattia said as he ran. While mattia was talking to daniel we all got into the car, and waited for mattia to come. He hopped in the passengers seat while i drived. Angelique was on the phone with paulina explaining how it happened. And mariano, kairi and alejandro were tryan stop the bleeding. We had soon arrived to the hospital. They took hector from us and rushed him into a room. We all went to the waiting room, and waited for hours and hours, then the night drifted off and we all fell asleep.
Sorry for this short sucky chapter. ive been hella busyy buh ima try and post moree. I dont have much ideas anymoree, so yall should help me outt💀.

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