Part 13

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After i posted that it was time for lunch. Instead of going to the lunch room me and the group all went out to the field. The boys were playing soccer while me and Angelique were talking about her relationship with ale, cynthia being pregnant and school drama.
"So you and mattia" Angelique said smirking
"What about us" I chuckled
"I see the way you both look at each other" she said smirking
"Well i mean we have gotten really close and we kissed this one time" i said blushing
"Bitchh omll" she said jumping up and down
"Soo i think im catching feelings i dont know to be honest" i said as i kept blushing
" we all ship buh thats your problem" Angelique chuckled
" mattia is cute and so attractive buh if my father knew id be dead" i replied. We had stopped talking about that topic when suddenly mariano pulled me aside.
"Can i talk for a sec" mariano said
" sure buh make it fast. Lunch is about to end" i replied
"Cynthia said she's pregnant and its my baby" mariano said
"Thats not possible, she said its mattia's" i said as eyes widened
" look i cant have a baby, and i dont think ima be able to care for it." Mairano said looking at me
" i cant do anything for you thats your problem" i replied
"Fine okay see you later" mariano said as he walked away. I got back to the group and explained everything to Angelique. I soon then pulled Mattia aside and explained to him as well. Lunch was finally over and me and Angelique headed back home. I saw cynthia sitting down on the sidewalk by our gate.
"What are you doing here" i asked
"So you both know im pregnant buh its either marianos or mattias" she said as she stood up
"Well take a dna test tomorrow with them idk its not my problem" i said as Angelique opened the gate
"Yea yea okay i just wanted to talk to mariano but he just broke up with me and i was just heading home" cynthia said as tears rolled down her cheeks. I just stayed quiet and headed inside. I checked on mariano and no answer i thought it was best to just let him be and so i did. I was eating dinner alone just scrolling on insta when my father say down infront of me.
"Hey" father said
"Whats up" I replied
"You have a mission" father said as he took a sip from his drink
"Okay what is it" i said as i looked up at him
"You are going to break into mattias house and get the gold blocks he stole from the bank" father said
"Yea no, that's impossible because" i said as he cut me off
"Because what" father asked
"Because he is um very smart and he will catch me" i said as i tried to not bring in the friend situation
"Just try and do it for me, once your done bring them here and you will get your money" father said with a light smile. I just shook my head and went to sleep. The night went by fast.
I woke up and got ready as usual. I decided to wear a purple hoodie with jeans.
I ate breakfast with Angelique and Mariano. We all soon then left and arrived to school. I saw mattia and talked to him about the dna test.
"Can you come with me" mattia said as we made eye contact
"Yea ill go" i replied. School was the same as always. After school me and mattia met up with mariano and cynthia at the hospital. I waited in the wait room till they all got their blood examed. They all got out and left back home because The doctors said the results would take 3-5 days and they would call us all who the father was. Me and mattia hung out at popeyes because we were starving. It soon got late and we both headed back home. Before I left I wasn't thinking but i also wanted to and I gave mattia a kiss on the cheek.
"What was that for" mattia said as he blushed
"everything you do for me. Isnt it crazy how we started off as enemies buh now were good friends" i said smiling
"Yea crazy. Okay goodnight see you tomorrow" mattia said as he smiled. I said goodnight and smiled back and headed inside. I arrived to my bedroom and threw myself onto the bed thinking of mattia.
Mattias pov (Friday day 1)
Y/n gave me a kiss on the cheek last night and I couldn't sleep, i was just thinking of her. I woke up showered, got ready, ate breakfast and headed to school. I arrived and found the boys talking.
"Whats up guys" i said
"Hey" alejandro replied
"Was good man" kairi said
"Aye proms in a week, yall going" alejandro explained
"I dont have a date" kairi shrugged
"Me either" i also shrugged
"Well im going with" alejandro said as me and kairi cut him off
"We know! Angelique" me and kairi shrugged louder
"Aye you should go with y/n" kairi explained
"Yea you should ask and kairi should go with emma" alejandro said smirking
"Whose that" i asked
"Kairis new girlfriend"
"Yeaa i didnt tell you cus you were with y/n" kairi chuckled
"Its good alr ill see you guys later" i said walking to class. I arrived to class and saw the girls. I sat next to Angelique and planned out a way to ask y/n out for prom. class had ended and it was finally lunch, the girls were in the bathroom doing sum, me and the boys were talking about random shit when I suddenly got a call from the doctor, it was a bit to early for the results from the dna test buh the 99.9% father was...

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