Part 6

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Back at y/n
It was Sunday morning when Angelique woke me up. She was on the phone.
"Yea, ill let her know" she said as she turned around facing me. She soon hung up and moved the pillows from my hands.
"So whats up" i asked standing up
"Your father said that you can come to paris. He rescheduled for us. My mother is coming Tuesday morning at 7" she said jumping up and down
"Your joking. Stopp your lying" i said looking at her
"Im not, you can ask your father. And ooh the boys want us to go to dinner with them, and they invited Kairi last minuet." she said as she smiled. I shook my head and we headed for breakfast.
Angelique was showering while i picked my outfit. We were just talking to each other when I suddenly told her about me and mattia just being friends.
"Ayee, watch out tho. You know what he is capable off" she said as she peeked her head out the curtains.
"Yea yea i know. Buh he seemed serious. His expression and his eyes were just soo ughh" i said biting my lip
"No no. Snapp out of it. He almost killed you! No way. DONT you dare fall for him" Angelique said turning off the water
"Yea your right. Anywaysss cmon lets do our hair" i said grabbing the hair drier and the curler. It was 4:45 when we finished our hair and makeup. We soon then changed inout our outfits and headed down stairs. I wore a brown off the shoulder shirt and some ripped jeans with my hair curled.

We arrived at Texas road house, and saw the boys waiting for us

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We arrived at Texas road house, and saw the boys waiting for us.
"Heyyy" kairi said
"Heyy" i smiled back
"So you and mattia huh" alejandro said smirking
"Ew no. Sorry were just friends" i said looking at alejandro then mattia. ' beep beep ' the alarm for our table went off. We got to the table, Angelique and alejandro sat next to each other. Mattia sat infront of me and kairi sat beside me. We ordered our food when we saw kiair drooling over the waitress 'Clarissa'.
"Lemme find out you dudeee" i said taking a sip from my water
"You think shes cute huh" mattia chuckled
"i meann yeaaa" kairi said putting his hand on his neck
"I dare you to ask for you number or snap after dinner" Angelique said giving him a grin
"Anyways since were all cool, i thought maybe we could all go to the fair on Friday since theirs no school for the week" alejandro said pulling out his phone.
"do they know that were leaving" i said looking at Angelique
"What? Where" Mattia asked
"Well my mother is coming for me and y/n on Tuesday. And she is taking us to Paris. We will come back Sunday morning" Angelique said smiling.
"Ooh i guess we can go then. Or we can plann it next time" kairi said looking down
"Na, you guys can go its fine. We should go to target and mess around" i said smirking. We just talked and talked about random things that were going on and then our food arrived. It was 8:09pm when we all finished and headed to target. We walked in all silent when someone broke it.
"Okayyy, lets play tagg." Kairi said running
"Ill be it, none of you are as fast as me" alejandro said smirking
"Well see about that" i said chuckling shile i was running
We all started running different direction when we all were at the candles section. I was running with Angelique when i bumped into mattia. I found myself ontop of mattia. I soon got up from mattia and helped him up, i saw a scratch bleeding on his cheek and looked down at the ground. Their was glass from the cnadles shattered all over the ground. We made it no suspicious that we broke them, when suddenly we saw the manager coming up to us
"Runnn" Angelique yelled
We all started running out the doors and saw the manager running after us. He was speaking into his walkey talkey. I soon turned back around and saw security guards. Alejandro was in the bathroom and saw us all. I don't know what happened buh he distracted the manager.
"I saw some armed shooters by the other doors and their trying to break in" he said making random shit up. The manager went with the security guards to check on the other doors while we took another run. We got out of target snd headed to our cars. We knew that if we stayed they would come out looking for us. It was crazy.
Alejandros pov
After the whole target thing we headed to our cars (me, mattia and kairi in my car) (y/n and Angelique in theirs). We had to drop kairi off at his house because his parents were going out so he had to babysit his sister, it was only me and mattia now. We met up at the park but the girls got their like 35 mins late.
"Finallyy yall here" mattia said shurgging
"Sorry we went to the pharmacy" Angelique said as she gave y/n the things
"What for" i asked
"Well if you haven't seen mattia's cheek, thats why" y/n said walking up to him. I grabbed Angeliques hand and brought her by some bushes so mattia and y/n couldnt see what we were doing.
Mattias pov
Y/n noticed the scratch that was bleeding on my cheek and went to the pharmacy. She had towels and peroxide. (type of water that helps you from getting an infection on a cut).
"Shitt. That shiit hurtss" i said moving my head as i pulled her hands back
"Well if you stay still it wont hurt as much" y/n said grabbing my head so it was stay still. She placed her other hand on my neck so i wouldn't move. It felt good then all of a sudden we heard moaning from the bushes. Y/n finished cleaning my cheek and we headed to the bushes. We caught Angelique and alejandro fucking.
"Helll naaa" i said burtsting into a laughter
"Ohh shitttt" they both yelled covering each other with their clothes
"Bitchhh. Im outtt tff" y/n said walking to the benches. It soon got really late and we all headed home. Y/n wasn't bad after all, i miss judged her.

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