Part 4

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Angelique's pov
It was currently 12am and y/n and her father weren't back. I soon got a call from y/n's father. I answered and he said that y/n was in the hospital unconscious at the moment, and was letting me know. As soon as i heard that she was unconscious tears came out of my eyes, I grabbed a jacket and headed out the door. My father followed behind me and drove me to the hospital. I went running to y/n's father hugging him.
"Everything's going to be fine. All we know is that she's unconscious" her father said sitting down. I nodded my head then suddenly the doctor said "family of y/n juarez"
"Thats us. Hows my daughter" daniel said jumping up
"shes losing a lot of blood from taking the bullet out. Theirs a chance she might not make it" the doctor said patting daniels shoulders
"Thank you doctor" daniel said putting his face in his hands
"Ill be back" i said storming out. I got into my fathers car when he stopped me
"Where do you think your going"
"Im going to Mattias house" i said starting the gas
"Who tf is that" my father replied as he got in the car
"The son of the PML. He shot y/n. I don't care I'm going to finish this" i said as i turned to the freeway. I got to Mattias house and took my fathers gun. I loaded it and got off the car.
"Honey no, don't do" my father said as i cut him off
"No, my best friend isn't gonna die tonight" i yelled as i rung the door bell. Alejandro opened the door and called Mattia. He rushed outside and i pointed the gun.
"Why! Why the fuck do you do this shitt! Y/n is in a risk of dying! Im ending this shitt!" I said as i put my finger on the trigger.
"Caalm downnn" alejandro said trying to calm me. Suddenly i felt my father throw his hands on me. I fell to the ground on my knees just crying, and letting go of the gun. My father picked up the gun, then looked at Mattia and spit on his door steps. My father took me back to the hospital to say my goodbyes to y/n and her father. I got to the hospital and found out y/n stopped breathing. They let me go in and say goodbye. I walked in and seen how pale she was.
"Hey bbg, you probably cant hear me buh I love you like if you were a sister to me. Dont leave me please . I need you dont make this hard for me and your family. You wont know how devastated this whole world will be without you." I said balling my eyes out while grabbing y/n's hand. "Please, bby, dont leave. You need to get revenge on mattia. For what he did to you. Go get him." I said facing the ground, when i felt y/n's hands squeezing mine. I looked up to the monitor and she gained pulses. "Doctor! Helppp! She has a pulseeee!" I yelled. The doctors arrived and took me out the room. I turned to mr daniel and my father with a smile and tears in my eyes. The doctor soon came out of the room and told us she was able to leave in the morning. Daniel thanked me for bringing back her pulses and the night slowly drifted off.
Saturday morning (back to y/n)
I woke up at the hospital forgetting how i got here. My dad came in as soon as the nurse left.
"Dad im sorry for not getting the gold" i said looking down
"Baby, no its okay. Lets forget about that. As long as your okay, thats the only thing that matters right now." Father said with tears rolling down
"Dad, dont cry. Im better now" i said wiping them away
"I know, i was afraid to lose you like i lost your mother" my father said grabbing my hands. Shortly Angelique and her father came in. We talked and then the guys went out to fill the paper work while Angelique helped me get ready. We left the hospital after the paperwork was done. I wasn't going to school for the week because i was going in recovery. My wound was pretty deep and all stitched up. It bled a lot because of how deep it was. We had to cancel the Paris trip and missions planned for me. I stayed in my room all day sleeping and cleaning the blood. Angelique stayed the day with me helping me out.
"Hey so i went to mattias yesterday" Angelique said handing me a cup of water
"Why would you do that" i asked
"For what he did. I was about to shoot him but then my dad laid his hands around me making let go if the gun" she said playing with her fingers
"You shouldn't have. And if you did shoot him, you would've been dead girll" I said trying to not laugh. We watched movies and Angelique went live.
Hey guysss! This is my bestiee y/n-Angelique she read a few comments and saw that Kairi, Alejandro, and Mattia joined.
Yes shes doing better. Shes going into recovery on monday for the week.-Angelique
The boys joined Angelique mouthed. I got up and just stood their on my phone when Angelique read a comment "look at all the blood dripping for the bandages" Angelique turned over and yelled "y/n. Your dripping blood , you haven't dripped that much, thats bad. Lets go get you cleaned up" she said holding me as i walked to the bathroom. A few minutes later we went back to the live and just kept answer questions as i was layed in bed. It was now 9pm when Angelique ended the live, and went to sleep.

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