Part 24

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Kairis pov
We had all arrived at mattias house. We sat in the living room when i grabbed a few drinks. I came back and mattia was talking about y/n. He was saying how he was still in love with her and how she hopefully still feels the same way. Until mariano said something about hector. Mattias smile went into a small frown. We ignored that part of the convo and watched a movie. We were watching a movie when suddenly we all fell asleep. *6am* i woke up the boys were all asleep, and headed for a cup of water. I found mattia on his phone by the counter.
"What up" i said
"Im fine" he replied
"Whats up i know that look" i said
"So they called me and told me that my father escaped from jail, and im scared" mattia said as he slid his hand through his hair
"Holy-wait why are you scared" i said as i spit my water
"Cause of what happened i dint want him to hurt any of you guys, y/n's family or y/n" mattia said as he looked down
"We have to tell them, everyone" i replied
"No we cant. Just wait till we find more about it" mattia said as he looked at me
"Okay buh we have to go in like 3 hours to go help set up" i said as i put the cup in the sink
"Okay" he replied
Back at y/n
It was 9am, i went and showered. After the shower i got ready and just wore a tupe top with some ripped jeans.

as i finished getting ready i got a call from Paulina

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as i finished getting ready i got a call from Paulina. She told me to not forget about the dress and to drop it off at her mother house since she was gonna get ready their. I headed to the kitchen and grabbed an apple. I walked out the house and saw hector talking to matthew.
"Hey, where you going" hector said
"Oh im going to pick up the dress, and get my nails done" i replied as i turned around
"Oh okay" hector said as matthew left
"You wanna come" I asked
"Yea sure" hector replied. We got into the car and then headed out. Hector was vibing to the music when i put it down.
"Hey we need to talk" i said
"Same" hecotr replied
"You go first" i said
"No you" he replied
"Fine lets say it at the same time" i said as i stopped the car
"Kk" as he turned to me
1..2..3..we counted and then we said it. "Matthew tried kissing me"....."i like you". We just looked at each other in shock.
"He did what" hector said as his voice got higher. I wuicjly explained to him what happened, but then i asked him about liking me.
"So you like me" i said
"Yea" hector said as he put his hand on his neck
"Look hector, im sorry. Were just friends and i like the way it is-" i said as he cut me off
"Your still not over him huh" he said with a sad expression
" not" i sighed
"Its fine just drop me off here. Ill just meet up with jabez" hector said as he opened the car door
"Pls dont-" i said buh he cut me off again as he closed the door. I tried getting his attention by calling his name buh he wouldn't look. I just left because i was running late and i wasnt feeling like putting up with shit. About 1-2 hours later i arrived at the mall. I went to the nail salon first and got my nails done. After i got my nails done i went to the wedding salon.
"Hello how may i help you" the lady at the counter said
"Im here for a pick up, name is y/n juarez" i replied
"Ah paulinas dress" she said
"Yes" she handed me the dress. I payed and left. I got into the car and drove to the house of Paulinas mother. I arrived greeted everyone and left the dress in a certain room. I got back into the car and facetimed Angelique.
Hey bitch- y/n
Heyy- Angelique
Where are you- y/n
Im home everyone left to go decorate- Angelique
Im coming- y/n
Oh okay ill be out- Angelique
Kk bye- y/n
•call ends•
As the call ended i was around the block. I honked and saw Angelique coming out with her bags and all the centerpieces. I helped her put the bags in the trunk and left. We had arrived at the event and took out the bags and centerpieces. The boys rushed to us and took everything from our hands. I walked over to them and helped them place them on the tables when mattia pulled me aside.
"Hey" i said
"Can we talk" mattia said
"Is something wrong. Wait are you okay" i said as i put my hair behind my ear
"Yea yea" mattia said as he put his hand on his neck
"Mattiaa, your burning hot" i said as i touched his cheek
"Can we go in the front" mattia replied
"Yea lets go" i said as i grabbed his hand
"So my dad escaped jail. And i dont know where he is" mattia said
"Shit" i replied as my face said it all
"And i think we should look out tmrw. Nobody knows about this buh me, you, and kairi" mattia replied
"Okay fuckk" i said looking around
"Buh im scared" mattia replied
"Why theirs nothing to be afraid of" i said as i grabbed his hands
"Im scared of him hurting the group, your family, even you" mattia said
"Hey its okay. Lets go back we can talk tmrw" i sighed. We headed back and helped setting up. We had finished and all headed back home. The boys stayed at my fathers while I went home.

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