Part 15

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My father and paulina had left for their trip meaning me, Angelique, mariano and the rest of my family were home alone. It was almost time for the party so i went to go shower. I blow dried my hair, curled it, did a light makeup look, and wore a blue dress with heels.

I finsished around 7 and waited for Angelique to finish as well

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I finsished around 7 and waited for Angelique to finish as well. Mariano soon then walked into my room and said he would meet us at the party. Angelique was done shortly after mariano left. Me and Angelique decided to take pictures then head to the party. About 30 mins later we arrived at the party and got inside. Their was hella people as always. Angelique saw the boys grabbed my hand and took me to them.
"Hey your finally here" kairi said as he hugged us
"40 mins late" mattia said smirking at me
"Sorry we went to take pictures" i replied
"Ahh, hey lets go dance" Angelique said as she pulled me to the dance floor. We got to the dance floor and started dancing. I felt someone grab my waist, i turned around and it was mattia. We were all drunk so i didnt mind especially after last night tho. He turned me back around and i started grinding on him. We danced and danced and 4 hours later the party was over. We were all drunk and we were walking home together. Me and mattia were laughing and walking really close together. Alejandro was holding onto Angelique. Mariano and kairi were walking with some girl. The boys were spending the night at my house since my fathrr and his girlfriend weren't there and my family doesn't know who they are so i could just get away with it. We got inside and picked the rooms to stay in, me and Angelique in mine, kairi and mariano in Angeliques and alejandro and mattia in marianos. As me and Angelique entered my room we changed into some shorts and tang tops and soon fell asleep.
kairis pov
We were all glad that mattia and mariano werent the father of cynthias child, we had a good time at the party and stayed the night at y/n's. Me and mariano stayed in Angeliques room, ale and mattia in marianos room and ofc the girls in y/n's room. Me and mariano were still sleeping when ale and mattia woke us up.
"What do yall wantt" i shrugged
"What time is it" mariano asked
"Its 7am" mattia replied
"Its too early" i shrugged again
"Cmon we finna prank the girls with a horn" alejandro replied
"Ight bett" mariano said as he fixed the bed. Alejandro had horns for each of us and we headed to their room. As we entered we found them both sleeping.
"3..2..1..noww" I whispered. We all blew the horns and it was loud asff. The girls were waking up and fell off the bed with the noise. We were all laughing and helped them up.
"Broo im tryna sleep" y/n groaned
"Me too, get outt" Angelique replied
"Wake upppp" mattia said pulling the covers
"GET OUT NOWW" they both yelled so we did. That didnt work so we all just headed down stairs and watched a movie when mattia pulled us in.
"Soo i need your guys help" mattia said
"With what" alejandro asked
"Y/n" mattia said
"Ooh i see" i replied smirking
"Im asking her to prom buh i need someone to distract her" mattia replied
"On it" i said
"Angelique is helping me decorate and so is ale" mattia answered
"Ill buy decorations too" mariano said
"Okay well talk later shes coming" mattia replied
Mattias pov (skipping to the planning)
Kairi asked y/n to go get grocies while we stayed and decorated the back yard. Mariano and i had bought the flowers and everything we needed. Angelique and alejandro formed the flowers and everything was set we just needed to wait till she came. It was 6:50 when y/n arrived with a blind fold and their was a sunset which made it better.
"Hey you ready? Mattia is gonna take you now" kairi said as he let go of y/n
"Yea yea im ready" y/n said as she was smiling. I got y/n and helped her walk, i took off her blindfold when we got to the petals.

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(Pretend its on the grass and the petals are all everywhere)"Omg, is this for me?" Y/n asked as everyone was recording"Yea, would you like to go to prom with me" i asked as was holding roses and a teddy bear

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(Pretend its on the grass and the petals are all everywhere)
"Omg, is this for me?" Y/n asked as everyone was recording
"Yea, would you like to go to prom with me" i asked as was holding roses and a teddy bear.
"Omg yess! This is beautiful thank youu" Y/n said as she jumped on me.
"Im glad you said yes" i said smiling
"You know you could have just asked me" y/n said smirking
"Well i wanted to do this" i said as she gave me a miss on the cheek. It was a success, and i was really glad. I was upset that i was gonna have to take her in soon. Buh I didnt let that get in the way, well at the moment. The night drifted off as we turned off the candels, we all headed inside and fell asleep.
Back at y/n
I entered my room falling onto my bed
"Im glad you liked it. I think he likes you too" Angelique said smirking
"i dont think soo. Omg im so excited im going to prom with himm, ahh" i said
"We all are excited, its in a week you have time" Angelique said squeeling. We were just talking and talking about prom and just planned like we do. The boys were all asleep and we decided to go to sleep as well so we wouldn't wake them up. Angelique fell asleep right away as i couldn't stop thinking about mattia and thats when i knew...I like him...

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