Part 5

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Skipping to Thursday cause nothing really happened on mon, tues, and wends.
It was Thursday morning and I decided to go to school because i was tired of staying home just laying in bed. I was doing much better at walking and and eating. I wore just a fila hoodie with some jeans and white slip on vans. I arrived to school with Angelique and everyone was staring. I went into class and saw Mattia, he looked up then back down. I sat down at my seat when mattia tapped my shoulder
"Glad your back Juarez" he said smirking as i turned around
"Dont even start with your bullshit" i said facing the front if the classroom. I just ignored him when i got called to the office. I entered the office and saw the principal waiting for me
"Back from recovery?" She said walking me in to her office
"Yes, i was bored of staying home. Im doing better now" i said slightly smiling
"Thats good to hear. I have all the work you have missed and they are all due monday" she said handing me a stack on papers "And if anything we are always here" she smiled
"Yea thanks okay" i said walking out. School was different now that i was back buh it felt good coming back. I walked to the graveyard and stayed watching the sunset talking to my mother. It soon got late and headed home. I arrived home and saw all my family eating dinner. I greeted everyone and went to go shower. After showering i stayed up watching Netflix for a while then ended up falling asleep. Friday morning
I woke up early and went to school. Angelique stayed with Alejandro last night so i just met up with her at school. Instead of going to my classes i went to the consolers office to makeup all the work for my classes. School ended and I still wasn't finished. I stayed after school for 2 more hours just to finish. It was finally 7pm when i finished, i was heading to the office to drop off my work when I suddenly heard the principal on the phone.
"Shes back from her recovery. You need to give mattia more missions and one that will make her fall in the trap. You need to destroy her and her father. Yes yes i know that killing her mother was enough, buh you know how much money you would get for destroying that family. Okay ill talk to you when i get home". I dropped the work quietly and ran out the school. I got home and quickly pulled my father aside, he told me to not make it obvious that I knew and to just keep my eyes on the principal and mattia. I went up to my room just processing everything that happened this month. It was crazy crazy. I soon fell asleep and the night drifted off.
Mattias pov
Y/n was back from recovery and it was different now that she was back. After school, i got home when I saw my father and my aunt sitting at the table talking.
"Mijooo, your back" my aunt said standing up
"Heyy, i thought you were at school working" i said awkwardly smiling
"Being the principal at your school doesn't mean I cant come home and spend time with my family" she said as she sat me down
"We have a mission for you. And it involves y/n juarez" my father said
"Im listening" i said looking at my father then my aunt.
"You are going to meet up with her and tell her you wanna just be friends and stop this enemy shit" my father said putting his hands together
"Thats not gonna work. Shes smart its gonna take forever to make her fall for it" i said shrugging
"She wont know. Don't make it obvious and just try to convince her into being your friend." My aunt said smirking
"Okay, but if anything goes wrong its both of your fault. And what do i do when she falls for it." I said rolling my eyes
"You will bring her here and kill her. You know how important she is to her father. And her father will do anything for her." my father replied
"Okay. Ill meet up with her tomorrow" i said walking away.
I woke up and went for breakfast and i texted y/n.
Y/n?- mattia
Yes whos this?- y/n
Mattia- mattia
How tf did you get my number- y/n
I have my ways like you have yours. Anyways meet me at the park- mattia
Why should i?- y/n
Just because I need to talk to you. Trust me- mattia
Why should i trust you and why cant you tell me through the phone?- y/n
Because, just meet me at the park. 1:30pm- mattia
I soon then went to go shower and got ready to meet her. I wore a hoodie and some jeans with my white airforces.
I arrived at the park and saw that y/n was waiting for me.
"Look, I'm sorry for shooting you and causing you to go into recovery. I didn't mean to hurt you bad i just thought" I said until she cut me off
"You literally had the gun in your hand buh its whatever. Don't worry its fine i guess" y/n said as she sat down at a bench
"I almost killed you buh I thought maybe we could be friends. My father doesn't know im here or neither does my family" i said as i sat next to her
"And how do i know your not making me fall for your trap. I heard the principal talk to your father yesterday about making a plan that will make me fall for a trap" y/n said crossing her arms
"Look shes my aunt. And im done with this enemy shit. I just wanna be cool with you and forget everything that happened, this month. And I'm being fr fr im not messing with you.I'm done being enemies." I said scooting closer.
"Fine, but if my family and especially my father find out about this. Im dead and so are you." Y/n said looking into my eyes.
"I promise we wont make it obvious. Buh im glad you forgave me and accepted. You wanna go to dinner maybe with Alejandro and Angelique tomorrow" i said as i got up.
"Sure. Ill see you tomorrow then. Bye" y/n said walking to her car. I soon then left the park and headed to kairis.

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