Part 21

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Next morning (Alejandro's pov)
We had stayed the night at angelique's. Mattia doesnt stay buh he comes. Mattia was on the way when the door bell rang. Kairi and Angelique were making breakfast while mariano was still sleeping. I went and opened the door. It was y/n!
Back at y/n
"Heyy your back" ale said smiling
"Yea is paulina here" I replied
"Yea shes in the back" ale said as i walked in
"Heyyy" Angelique said as she turned around
"I missed you" kairi said running to me
"Whats up" ale replied
"Oh im supposed to go shopping with Paulina for the wedding" i said
"Can i come" Angelique said as she hugged me
"Yea" i said
"Whats that" kairi asked
"What" i asked
"The envelope" he replied
"Oh its for mattia" i said as i sighed
"Ooh. You wanna talk to him. He's coming" alejandro said
"No, im not ready. Maybe when i get over him and" i said as i gave kairi the envelope and as i got interupted
"Hey honeyy" paulina said hugging me
"Hey" i replied
"You ready" she asked
"Yea. Angeliques coming if thats okay" i said smiling
"Even better. We'll be back soon" paulina said as she got her bag. We headed out the door and got into my car. As i buckeles my belt i looked up and saw Mattia walking up to the steps. I quickly looked down.
"Whats wrong" pauluna asked
"I need to get over him" i replied
"I know its hard. You will trust me" she said as she hugged me
"He talks about you everyday and he cries everytime he looks at your pictures or videos. He loves you" Angelique said as she tapped my shoulder. I sighed and stayed quiet. I started the car and we played some music. We stopped and got starbucks, then we arrived to the mall. We walked into the mall when i saw hector with a group of guys. We passed by and he called out my name.
"Oh hey" i replied
"Whats up" he said
"Nothing just shopping"i smiled
"Whos that" he said as he looked at angelique
"My future step mother and my bestie" I replied
"Oh hi my names hector" hector said as he interduced him self to paulina and Angelique
"Nice to meet you. Im Paulina and im angelique" they both said
"Im jabez. Im marc and Im mathew." The boys introduced themselfs
"Im y/n nice to meet you. Okay we have to go ill see you later" i smiled and walked away. We first went to the wedding salon. Paulina was trying on dresses while we sat and rated each one. We spent about 1 hours looking for a dress when we found one that looked really good on paulina and it was simple.

We bought it and pau was really happy

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We bought it and pau was really happy. As we paied we went to a ball gown salon. As we arrived Angelique went running and got some dresses and locked herself in a dressing room. I was looking for a dress when paulina said something about hector.
"He seems like a good guy. You should date him. I think he likes you" paulina said
"No were just friends and he is a good guy buh why do you think that" I chuckled
"Well bc the way he was looking at you. Buh you should invite him to the wedding" she said as she elbowed me
"If its fine with you" i said as i walked to a dressing room
"Yes of course. Now go try on your dresses" Paulina said as she pushed me in the stall. A couple mins later me and Angelique got out of the stalls at the same time and looked at each other up and down.
" OMG I love your dress looks so good on you" Angelique said
" God damn you look fine as fuck" i replied
" y'all both look very gorgeous.  is this the dress you both want. They look stunning" paulina said
" yeah"me and Angelique both said. We paid for our dresses. paulinas dress was already paid buh has to be picked up the night before the wedding so we headed back to the car and put the dresses in the back. It was pretty silent till paulina grabbed the aux cord and blasted music. She has some good ass tastee, shes always chill and supportive no matter what, and i was actually starting to be glad she was gonna be my step-mother buh no one can or is going to replace my mother. We arrived back home. I entered and my father caught my eye.
Mattias pov
Daniel, y/n's father had forgiven me. he was getting my trust back. Me and the boys were playing fifa when suddenly the door opened. I was playing vs. kairi so I couldn't look back, but i heard y/n, paulina and Angelique. I wanted to talk to her but i read the letter kairi gave to me. I was still upset and everything that happened so i thought its maybe better if i give her some time, then maybe when shes ready i can talk to her, cause i know for a fact she clearly doesn't want to talk to me right now. The game had ended and it was ale vs mariano. I took a chance and looked back she looked the same, beautiful as always. She was laughing while paulina and her dad had said something and she said goodbye to everyone and gave me a light smile.
"Polibio, dont worry. She will forgive you and come back to you" daniel said
"Hopefully. Im sorry once again" i replied
"We all make mistakes. Just give her time" Daniel said as he patted my shoulders. I stayed quiet and took my phone out. I grabbed a sheet of paper add wrote her a letter.  I wanted to let her know that i received it and how thankful i was for her to come into my life.

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