Part 16

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*week of prom monday*
I got up early today and showered. I blow dried my hair and wore a green cropped long sleeve shirt with some jeans.

Me and Angelique arrived to school super excited to go to prom when we saw the boys around the block

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Me and Angelique arrived to school super excited to go to prom when we saw the boys around the block.
"Hey girlls" kairi said as he ran to us
"Heyy" we replied
"What yall up to after school" alejandro asked
"Idk i think we might go to the mall" i replied
"Sounds great" mattia said
"Oh i didnt see you there buh you guys wanna come?" Angelique replied
"Yea sure" the boys all replied
"Alright see you all at lunch" i said as me and Angelique headed to our lockers. We arrived to class when mattia came in. Fuckk he was cute:(
"Hey what color we doing" mattia said as he snapped me out
"What do you mean" i replied
"Hes asking you what color your choosing your dress for prom stoopid" Angelique said as she elbowed me
"Idk you choose" i smiled at mattia
"Okay, is blue fine"he replied back
"Yea" i said as i got a notebook out. We were just talking and messing around all day. (Skipping to the mall) after school we all met up at the mall. The boys were buying tuxedos and we were looking for dresses. We got into this one store filled with dresses if every color when i saw a blue dress that caught my attention, it was pretty. Angelique laid her eyes on a red dress witch looked beautiful on her. We were both done shopping and bought them both.
~y/n's dress~

~Angelique's dress~

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~Angelique's dress~

We left the store and headed to the store where they boys were at

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We left the store and headed to the store where they boys were at.
"Looking good cosentino, rosario and polibio" i said chuckling as we walked in.
"Oh i didnt see you. You really think it looks good" kairi replied
"Yea,who you going with" Angelique asked
"Emma" kairi said chuckling
"Ahh i see" i smirked
"Were done, we just need to pay. You guys can go" mattia requested
"Nah we can wait" i replied. We waited for them to pay and left the mall. I arrived home and found mariano in the kitchen.
"Hey why didnt you go to school" i questioned
"I didnt feel like it" mariano replied
"Oh okay" i said heading upstairs
"So im going to cali to visit my mom tmrw and im coming back next Tuesday" mariano said as he stood up
"Oh okay have fun" i said as i got to my room
"Yea goodnight" mariano said walking away to the living room.
(Skipping to Friday, the day of prom since i have nothing for the week)
Angeliques pov
It was the day of prom and we were all excited. It was 7am when i woke up, i showered and ate breakfast. Y/n had showered too and was drinking coffee as i got downstairs.
"Heyy you readyyy" y/n said smiling
"Yess! Are we doing our hair here or are we gonna go get it done" i asked
"Im curling it what about you" y/n said looking at it
"Same. Lets do it here then" i said
"Okay" y/n replied. We let our heir dry and started getting ready at 9:45 am. We both curled our hair and did a light makeup. We finished at 11:38 when Alejandro texted me telling me they were all on their way to pick us up because we had to go to a dinner.
Alejandros pov
Me and the boys were picking up the girls for the dinner. I seen y/n come out first and she lookd amazing. Then Angelique came out she looked like a fucking goddess. Everything stopped and it made it look like if she was walking in slow motion...
Mattias pov
The girls soon came out as we honked the car. Y/n came out first and she looked hott in the dress, even in general. Everything was in slow motion and the way her hair biunced off her shoulders made it better...
Kairis pov
We were heading to diner with the girls. They walked out and they looked stunning. We arrived at the dinner when i saw emma. She looked hot as hell in a pink dress with a slit. We all sat at our table and everything was going good.
Back at y/n
The boys picked us up. We got to the dinner and everything was going good. It was beautiful and you could also say romantic. I couldn't keep my eyes off mattia. Im onsessing over him wtff..he had really changed. He sgarted off as a whole dick to a romantic, kind and a good ass friend, and that made him even better. 2 hours later dinner was over and we headed to school. We entered the school gym and their was decorations everywhere, they had a photobooth, a dj, a whole ass food stand and much more. Everything was cool. We got to the dance floor and when i say it got lit. It got lit. Mattia took my hand and took me to the photobooth, it felt like if we were a couple just because of how close we were buh then i came back to reality and we were just friends at the end of the day. We were being goofy and were both laughing when i turned to mattia and he kissed me..i kissed him back...

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