5 -- Loving Him

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Dear Reader, 

So here we are, still in the magical Kingdom of New York, where our two handsome Princes are in love !  Oh, happy day !  Now, with Prince Larry's, ahem, "problem" sorted, our Princes are living their best lives together in peace and harmony, almost happily ever after.  But something is about to happen that neither of them are prepared for ......  dun, dun, dun..... (EJane101 lol!) 

Laurent had been in London for ten days this time, almost twice as long as he's normally away from his love.  He's missing him badly, so heaven know's how Larry is feeling.  He had been working on rehearsals, choreography and P.R. for an upcoming performance of the Royal Ballet at an event to be hosted by the Royal Family at Buckingham Palace.  It meant that he and Larry would get to meet the Queen, and they were both ecstatic at the prospect.

Since the night of Larry's revelation, and Laurent's loving and absolute acceptance of his condition, their relationship had grown stronger and happier by the day.  Laurent had more than proven to Larry that the physical side of their relationship was, indeed, a blessing, to both of them.  He had done his research, but especially loved the "hand's on" learning they had given each other as homework.  Larry couldn't believe he could be this happy.

Larry had moved into Laurent's apartment in Washington Heights.  It was modern, spacious and welcoming, with amazing art on the walls, and an fabulous view of the George Washington Bridge right outside their floor to ceiling windows.  It was also only a few blocks from "Le Brasserie", the restaurant where they had their first date, and they went there often.  It took Larry longer to get to work, but he was a hardened New Yorker, and even though he battled the daily commute, he didn't really mind.  Home, and what was waiting for him at the end of nearly every day, more than made up for it.  

On his return after this particular trip, Larry had met Laurent at the airport, running to greet him in the arrivals hall, throwing his arms around his love's neck, Laurent dropping his bags to reciprocate the passionate kiss that was offered to him.  They stood like that, kissing each other, for some while, knowing people were staring at them, not one fuck being given by either of them.  Let them stare.  They were in love, and the world and his wife needed to see more of this kind of love, this unconditional, unreserved, real love between one human being and another, they had both agreed.  They marched out of the building to the car, Larry clinging to Laurent's arm, his head on his shoulder, Laurent's head held proudly, wanting the world to see his love and his pride, not only for Larry, but of their relationship.  

As they pushed their way through the front door of their apartment, different items of clothing went flying into the air around them, Laurent pushing the door closed with his foot once they were inside.  As soon as it was shut, dropping his bags, he pulled Larry as close to him as he possibly could, his arms and hands overlapping around Larry's waist, bending him backwards slightly, Larry smooshing his lips into Laurent's as hard and as close as was humanly possible.  They couldn't keep their hands off of each other, this was definitely still the honeymoon phase, and they were loving it, loving each other.  Sloppy kisses were now being placed on open mouths, hard and heavy breathing, plaintive moans and groans echoing around the walls, as one marched the other to the first thing that would stop their backward progression.  Sometimes they would make it to the bedroom, but usually not.  On one occasion, Larry's need for Laurent's sex was so urgent, he pulled Laurent to the floor just inside the front door, and wouldn't let him go, not until he was inside of him, filling him up, pushing him across the floor as he drove his hips into him, until Larry was crying his name to the heavens withing mere minutes of their arrival home.

Today was a little better, they had made it to the sofa, at least.  Now naked, sweaty, and out of breath already, Laurent took his baby where he needed to go in that moment, urgently, passionately as he always did.  His own desires and fulfillment could wait, as he tended to Larry's needs and desires before his own.  In these rushed and hurried passion filled moments, when they first saw each other after a short time apart, too long for either of their liking, Laurent always took Larry as a female, it seemed to satisfy both their needs and desires in the most expedient and erotic fashion, the quickest and easiest way of feeling the intimacy between them, of achieving both their orgasms quickly, and it never failed to amaze them, powerfully.  Larry had often asked Laurent afterwards, if he thought him selfish, but Laurent also loved this "arrangement", as he felt good at being able to give his love what he needed and wanted, a quick, passionate, sexy fuck, when they would also languidly make love later, taking their time to be more attentive and romantic towards one another.  It seemed like the best of both worlds.

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