13 -- The World And His Wife

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My Dear Ones, 

Prince Larry has just about lost his shit, and Prince Laurent had to keep his shit together !  It has to get better from here, surely ?  Let us follow the Princes as they go shopping for the baby ...... FOR their baby, not to BUY a b ........ you get what I mean ......... 

After Larry's meltdown, his and Laurent's life got back to somewhat near normality, as near sanity as they could get it, anyway.  Laurent spent the few days he had left before he had to go to London pampering and taking care of his love.  He cooked him his favourite meals, now that he was no longer being sick, and he had an appetite like there was no tomorrow.  Larry lamented that he was going to get as big as a house if he kept eating so much food, only to be shushed by Laurent, who just fed him another slice of pizza, or another spoonful of ice cream.  They ate out a lot too, getting dressed up to make every night out a special one.   They lounged around the house, watching movies, or playing chess, which, it turned out, they were both very good at.  They got so competitive about their matches, it very nearly ended in tears on more than one occasion, and not just from Larry.  

They would make love, leisurely and languidly, testing their own patience and resolve as they couldn't yet make love the way they wanted to, so they found new and interesting ways to give each other pleasure, and the physical closeness they craved.  They would touch and caress, eat and play, push, pull, lick and bite.  They would just lie on their bed or the sofa, naked, and stare into each other's eyes, for what seemed like forever, until day turned into night sometimes, gently touching and caressing here and there, watching their eyes react to the other's touch.  And they would find they were almost as satisfied as if they had been inside one another, feeling the heart rending, soul fulfilling intimacy they had grown so used to, that made their two halves one whole.  Almost.  But they both knew it would take time and patience to satisfy that ultimate craving for one another.  

They went shopping too.  Baby shopping.  For the baby, not to buy a baby.  One day, on one such expedition, after nonchalantly walking around a store, they ooh'd and aah'd over a particularly gorgeous crib.  It was made from a pale wood, sturdy and contemporary, and it could convert from a crib to a small single bed as the baby grew, and they both loved it.  As they waited at the cash register to order it and pay, they stood facing each other, holding both hands, laughing and whispering to each other, as they so often did,  They were not shy, nor scared, to show the world their love for one another, or their relationship.

As a young woman approached them to take their payment, and as they were still holding hands and staring into each others eyes, she noticed their love, of course, it was hard to miss.  

"Ya'll are so cute !"

"Thank you, we are aren't we "  smirked Laurent.  Larry playfully smacked his chest, but still laughed at his comment.

"Ya'll buying the crib for a friend, or a sister ?"  she asked, making small talk to fill the silence.  

"No, it's for us"  said Larry, excitedly, "We're having a baby."  His eyes widened in fear as soon as his words hit the air  ---  what the fuck have I just done ? --- he thought, looking at Laurent.  Laurent had this huge wide smile on his face, and tilted his head slightly, quirking an eyebrow at Larry.  He immediately understood what Laurent was telling him  --  Let's Play  --  There was no angel with them today, they were just being little fucking devils, and loving it.  The girl continued

"Oh, ya'll adopting ! How wonderful !"

"No, WE'RE having a baby.  Well, I am" Larry repeated, his eyes playful, a smirk on his lips.  They wanted to see how far they could push this, before someone kinda, sorta, started to believe them.  Not that they ever would.  What they didn't realise, in their prenatal euphoria, was that they were playing with fire, and they were sure to get burned.  

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