12 -- More Hormones-R-Us

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Dearest Reader,

Our Princes seem to be happy, apart from Prince Larry's raging hormones.  Let's hope Prince Laurent doesn't go crazy, unless Prince Larry gets there first ...... 

With laughter and lightheartedness accompanying their breakfast, as they finished, Larry started clearing the dishes.

"No, I'll do that, you sit.  I need to talk to you, anyway"  Insisted Laurent, taking the plates out of Larry's hands. "Coffee ?"

"No, thank you, how they can call that shit coffee, I don't know"  Larry said, making a face.  They had both agreed that Larry would try to get used to decaf, but he found he would rather go without.  When they walked around their neighbourhood now, he was drawn in by the nose to the aroma of the best smelling, best tasting coffee in New York, and he missed it.  So no, no shit that had the audacity to call itself coffee, thank you very much.  He was also not looking forward to whatever it was that Laurent needed to talk about, he could hear he wouldn't like it by the tone of his voice.  Larry noticed Laurent didn't have any coffee either.

"None for you ?"  He always had coffee.

"How can I sit here and enjoy coffee, if you can't have one ?  I'm not that inconsiderate, my love."  Larry did a pouty face.

"Aaawww, baby !" He smiled at Laurent, placing his palm on Laurent's cheek, as he leaned into it.  

"Anyway, "  Laurent started, "We need to have this conversation"  he added, clearing his throat.  Larry's smile faded, he didn't like this, it was too serious.  Laurent continued, knowing the only way to start was to go straight in.  "I need to go back to work.  I need to go back to London."  Larry's face betrayed his feelings, looking absolutely bereft.  He knew this would have to happen, he just didn't realise that he would react this way, that it would hit him so hard.   He couldn't help but think back to what happened the last time Laurent was in London, but that was silly.  That wasn't going to happen again.  No, it wasn't.  Laurent saw the fear cross Larry's face, and he moved in to do damage control, as he knew he would have to.  

"It'll only be for a week, ten days tops. They need me to be there.  I have to be "hands on", you know that.  There's only so much I can do remotely, my love"  Larry knew more than anyone how hard Laurent had worked, what he had sacrificed over the last few weeks to be there for him, when he needed him most.  How could he not be understanding.  Yes, how could he not ?But it was going to be so hard to be without him now.  Laurent added "And I miss it.  I miss them, my guys."  Melancholy sadness spread over his features as he said it.  But Larry understood more than Laurent gave him credit for, he thought.

"I know you do.  And of course, it's your job, your "other" love."  He smiled, obviously referring to himself.  Obviously.  Laurent wasn't expecting this kind of acceptance.  Then the atmosphere changed, just like that.  Within the snap of two fingers.

"When would you be going ?"  Larry asked, his eyes intent on looking at his fingers again, as a  forced smile that looked suspiciously like a scowl crossed his face.  Maybe not so much acceptance, then, Laurent realised.  He was worried now, but he was not backing down.

"Um, in a few days.  The sooner the better, so the sooner I can come back to you, my ...."  It didn't work.  Larry was up out of his seat, shoving his chair back under the table, making it shake.  He stalked to the bedroom, slamming the door behind him.  Again.

--  God, these doors aren't gonna last if he keeps this up  -- Laurent thought  --  What the fuck !!  Mood swings from hell !!  ---   It had to be dealt, with, it really did, it was the only way to be fair to both of them, upfront, and straight up.  He just wasn't prepared for all the histrionics and melodrama.  Oh, he had no idea .......

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