8 -- Awake

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So, my friends, 

The worst did not come to pass, and Prince Laurent is happy to know that Prince Larry is getting better all the time.  He is having an earnest conversation with both his babies, and is looking forward to the future.........

The day dawned sunny and warm, the sunlight streaming through the window of Larry's new room.  He wasn't in critical condition any longer, losing a couple of I.V.'s and his breathing tubes along the way.  He was moved to another ward, still in I.C.U., but it meant Laurent could be stay with him for as long as he liked, including overnight on a chair that turned into a makeshift bed.  It was uncomfortable as fuck, but he would sleep on a rock if it meant he could be close to his love.  

The nurses on their team had fallen in love with both of them, even thought they hadn't met Larry yet, but as so many people did, they had fallen in love with their love, with the idea of them as the beautiful couple they were, who endured with such grace and stoicism, one of life's cruelest ironies.  Even if they only got to see Laurent's side of it for now, they were all looking forward to meeting Larry.  The nurses taught Laurent how to take care of Larry's needs, he wanted to just do something, to be helpful in some way, but mostly he wanted to take care of Larry, he needed to take care of him, be there for him.  So he learned how to bathe him, how to move his body carefully and correctly when they changed his clothes for the day, and taking care of that amazing shock of hair that he loved so much.  Laurent carried on doing what the nurse had originally suggested he do, so he talked to him, or the baby, continually.  He read them the morning paper, and news from England, from Laurent's colleagues at the Royal Ballet, and Larry's colleagues and staff at the U.N., who all sent their fondest wishes.  He would play his favourite music and sing to him, when he was sure no one would be listening.  He would even dance, just to stop himself from going crazy, or when he got a little emotional, when he knew dancing would help.

This morning was no different regarding everyone's routine.  The nurse's would all come in and say "good morning" to both of them, treating them like family.  Laurent appreciated them so much, it was the loveliest gesture, it was one of the things that kept him sane, and he would make sure Larry knew just how wonderful they had all been when he was well.  Dr Marshall would call in to check on them all on his morning rounds, today being no exception.

"Good morning, all, how are we today ?"  He was nearly always cheerful, but he seemed exceptionally so today.  Laurent cut him a sideways glance, eyeing him slightly suspiciously, the smile on the doctors face spreading to his own.

"Good, you know, same shit, different day.  Why, what's going on.  Why you so happy ?"  The good doctor could hardly contain himself, as he walked slowly toward Laurent, stopping only a few inches from his face, bordering on that limit that encroaches into personal space, that it made Laurent lean back slightly.

"Ah, but today is not the same day, Laurent, nor will it be the same shit."  He could hardly contain himself  "Today," he said, poking Laurent's shoulder sharply, "we stop Larry's sedation all together.   Today,  Laurent, hopefully by this evening, you get to look into Larry's eyes as he wakes up."  If it wasn't deemed unprofessional to jump up and down, he would have done that, too.   Laurent took the doctor's face in his hands and kissed him on both cheeks, he was so excited.

"Merci, Dieu !!  You mean it !? You really mean it ?!  He is completely better ?! "  He was shouting loud enough to make the nurse that was in the room jump.  He was smiling from ear to ear at the thought of being able to look into his loves eyes again, to hold his face in his hands, to kiss his lips.  

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