7 -- Choices

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My Dear Readers, 

Oh my dearest, such despair !!  Our Prince's are to have a Prince or Princess of their own ?  Prince Laurent has to make a few decisions in his family's best interests, no ?  And just how does he go about that ........  


Can't.  CAN NOT.  

Make that choice.

Larry was his love, the love of his life.  The thought of having to live a life without him in it, tore his heart and his soul apart.

But a baby.  A child.  His child.  THEIR child.  Even though they hadn't met yet, he loved him.  Yes, him.  All children born to hermaphrodites were all males, something to do with the genetics.  Baby boys.  So, yeah, a son.  How could he live without that son, now he knew of his existence ?  How could he live with himself if he were to choose his love over his child ?  How would Larry ever forgive him if he did ?  

So, no.

Can Not Make That Choice.  

Lets hope he'd never have to.  

--  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --

After checking with the doctor, who he now knew was Dr. Marshall, Laurent went home briefly, to have a shower, and to gather a few of Larry's things that he would need.  Dr Marshall had told Laurent Larry would be in hospital for at least a week, probably more, and he wouldn't be conscious for at least a couple of days.  He had packed his favourite clothes and sleep wear, a soft blanket that they would always use to snuggle under when they watched movies, and few of his little tchotchkes that would make him feel more at home, more comfortable when ..... he .......  

 All Laurent could do was cry as he held the blanket to his chest, sobbing for his love, for their unborn child, for their uncertain future.  If everything went well, and they all left hospital together, they would still have so many hills to climb and obstacles in their way.  Dr. Marshall had agreed that, for the time being, until everyone's fate was certain, no one except the team taking care of Larry would know of his condition.  They would face that as, and when, they had to.  But there was certain to be major interest from the medical community.  From the world at large.  From social media morons, who would think it fun and entertaining to make someone like Larry's life a living hell, as they had done in the past.  From the press and T.V. who would clamour at them for interviews and exclusives, staking themselves outside of their apartment, greedy for the slightest movement, a walk to the shops, wiping their ass.  No, Laurent decided now was the time to put on his big boy pants, and develop, grow, pray for the inner strength he knew he would need to look after them both, look after them all, his family.  

Laurent returned to the hospital, only to be told he had to wait for Dr. Marshall, he was not allowed to see Larry yet.  He had not yet been allowed into his room, and everyone who entered was gloved, gowned and masked.  Shit, he thought, they serious.  Good.  Dr. Marshall found Laurent in the relatives lounge, which was quickly becoming his second home, even though Larry had been there less than a day.  He shook his hand as he entered.

"Laurent, how are you ?"

"As well as can be expected, under the circumstances" he replied, slight sarcasm lacing his tone.  "How is he ?  Any change ?"

"Actually, yes.  Larry's fever has gone down considerably, the infection is still present, but has slowed down too, so, we're still monitoring them carefully, but maybe in a few hours we can cut back on the sedation a bit, let Larry's body do it's thing.  That can only be good for the baby."

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