11 -- Hormones-R-Us

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So, Lovey Reader, 

All seems well with Prince Laurent,  but sadness still prevails with Prince Larry.  But they must persevere if they are to look forward to a loving future, for everyone concerned ...... 

The day they left the hospital was bittersweet.  Yes, it had all been awful for a while, serious, heart wrenching, soul searching at times, but the doctors and nurses had been nothing short of amazing.  Dr Marshall was a friend for life, to both of them.  The nurses on their team had given them their first gift for the baby  --  some beautiful, gender-neutral baby clothes.  They were both overwhelmed when it came to say their goodbyes, especially Laurent, who had come to depend on them all in his darkest, most fearful moments.  He could not express his gratitude enough.  But he tried anyway, sending their team of nurses champagne, flowers and chocolates.  Lots of  champagne, flowers and chocolates. 

Laurent was like a fussy mother hen all the way home, and when they got there.  He insisted on carrying every bag, every box, every thing.  He would have carried Larry too, if he would have let him.  As they walked through the front door of their apartment, Larry breathed a huge sigh of relief.  

"Home"  he said to himself, quietly, standing in the middle of the living room, head back, arms outstretched, eyes closed, taking deep breaths.  He was surprised how he had got used to the smell of the hospital, but this smelt like .......... heaven.  It smelt like Laurent and lemons.  As he stood there, his eyes still closed, he heard soft footsteps behind him, then strong arms encircling his waist, warm kisses at the base of his neck.  He turned around in Laurent's arms, attacking his mouth with fervour, devouring his mans lips with every ounce of desire and lust he could summon, as if he had been wandering the desert, parched and thirsty, and now he had found his oasis.  

Laurent was finding Larry hard to resist right now, pulling him closer to his body, pulling his head towards his face with his hand behind it, relishing in this moment that they hadn't been able to share for so long, heady and intense, just getting lost in lust.  Laurent suddenly pulled back, Larry chasing his lips as they moved away.  Laurent had to forcibly hold Larry back by his shoulders.

"Baby, we can't "  He said , trembling slightly,  "Dr. Marshall said we have to wait a couple of weeks, just till you get settled into a routine, get your strength back, OK ?  Plus, what with all the poking and prodding they've been doing, aren't you sore ?"  he asked, genuinely concerned.  Larry had to admit, he was a little.  He thumped his foot on the floor like a petulant child having a temper tantrum, a pout completing the look.

"But, Lau ..... !

"No buts, Larry, your's and the baby's health is the most important thing right now.  You can wait two weeks, non ?  Then we can make love every day of us lives if you want to." he said sweetly, giving a gentle peck to Larry's nose.  He was right, he knew he .... wait.  Every day ?  Challenge accepted, he thought, a wry smile replacing the pout. 

"Are you hungry, my love, would you like some ....... "  Here we go again.  Larry wasn't experiencing "morning" sickness, so much as "any fucking time of the day" sickness, and he was worn out.  He was done. He half walked, half ran to the bathroom.  Lau was stood where Larry left him, hands held loosely at his side, head hung in sympathetic resignation.  He heard the horrible noise he was becoming used to, followed by a flushing toilet, he groaned, walking to the bathroom to help and comfort his love.   

Once Larry had purged his guts, as was so often the case, he felt like he could eat a horse.  Laurent was making sure he ate reasonably healthily, much to Larry's dismay.  Gone were the burgers and fries, the fast food, the take outs.  OK, as a treat, but Larry thought he deserved a treat every day.  As they lounged together on the sofa, watching T.V., Larry huffed and puffed, loudly, trying his best to get Laurent's attention.   As his back was to Laurent's chest, he didn't know he already had his attention since his first sigh.  Laurent's body was shaking from trying his hardest to hold in his laughter at his baby's attempts to say something to him without actually saying something.  He was expected to read Larry's mind, and he found it altogether too amusing.  For now.  

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