39 -- Not So Different After All

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Oh, My Darling Readers, 

After so many trials and tribulations, it seems our two handsome Princes are indeed, happy.  They have everything they have always wanted, and more.  In the magic kingdom of New York with their Princess Michaela, they have found their "Happy Ever After".  Now, for just one more celebration ....... 

18 months later ...... 

The early morning sun is making it's way around Larry and Laurent's bedroom.  It's summer now, so the thin beams of sunlight hit the dark hardwood floor, rather than landing on the pristine white of the comforter.  Two lithe, caramel bodies and their corresponding fro's are moving slowly underneath the covers, accompanied by various and intermittent grunts and groans. 

"No, baby, I need my energy for today, please" Laurent begged as Larry's hands roamed his chest, his slender fingers tracing the divots between his abs on their journey south.  

"Oh, really ?  You sure about that ?"  Larry smirked his disapproval directly onto Laurent's lips, still continuing his hand's journey, now tantalisingly close to it's destination.  

"Yes.  Can't we just cuddle and enjoy the peace and quiet for now ?  In about...."  Laurent turns to find the time on the digital clock on the bedside table " two hours, the caterers will be here, and all hell will break loose.  Please, mon amour.  I'll make it up to you, I promise"  

"Tonight we'll be too tired"  Larry pouted, having already turned his back to Laurent, resting the side of his face on his hands.

"Who said anything about waiting until tonight ?"  Larry swiveled his head around quickly in Laurent's direction, catching a smirk of his own, accompanied by wiggling eyebrows.   

"But we can't, we have a house full of people !  Everyone will be expecting us to ...... oooohh !!"  he got cut off as he felt a harsh squeeze to each of his ass cheeks, administered by Laurent's strong hands, a sharp slap following. 

"Exactly.  Exciting, non ?  Risque ......"

"You're SO bad !"  Larry chuckled, backing up into Laurent's front as they rearranged themselves to melt into one another's bodies once more, Laurent's arm around Larry's waist, Larry's arms on top of Laurent's, not letting him escape their embrace.  They lay in silence for awhile, Laurent nuzzling and kissing Larry's neck every so often, each time followed by a huge sigh of contentment, Larry following suit.

"Doe's this mean we're getting old ?"  Larry queried, "You know, wanting to cuddle rather than have sex ?  Is it getting boring for you, Laurent ?"  Laurent couldn't see Larry's face, but his head dropped slightly, and his body language changed as he said it.  Laurent raised himself up slightly to pull Larry's chin towards him, so that he could see his face.

"No, mon amour"  he said seriously, "It is NOT getting boring.  I'm gonna fuck you stupid in a closet or a bathroom later, with people walking past the door.  Does that sound boring to you ?  If we made love every day, for a year, in the same position, how could I get bored with looking into these ?"  he held his chin, as his eye's flitted between Larry's, his own conveying so much sincerity and love.  Larry's eyes smiled back at him with equal love, and some relief.  After a slow, tender kiss, Laurent sank back into his place behind Larry, silence enveloping them once again.

"Anyway, we're not getting old"  retorted Laurent, remembering then to be slightly offended by Larry's comment.  "We're like good wine, we only get better with age."  he huffed.  Again, they lay in each other's arms, silence except for the occasional car passing under their bedroom window in the quiet street below, or the familiar noises of the house.  Their hand's would roam over each other's skin on occasion, the other's body so familiar now.   Larry knew every divot of Laurent's abs, his obliques, his V line.  The small, almost unnoticeable dimple near the corner of his mouth.  A delicious thumbprint sized dent just above the swell of his ass cheeks.  The subtle golden flecks in his irises when he was aroused.  Laurent loved the deep dip situated at the base of Larry's throat between his collarbone and shoulder, that accommodated his chin and lips so perfectly.  The tiny, almost heart shaped birthmark that he had found on his shoulder, Larry not even noticing it before.  The strong hands that matched his own, lacing and entwining their fingers together, as Larry would always rub his thumb lazily, absentmindedly, over the knuckle on Laurent's index finger.  

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