32 -- Do You ?

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So, My Darling Readers, 

All is well, that ends well with our two handsome Princes, and their Princess.  But there is still something missing, a certain something that needs to take place, so that they can properly be a family, is there not ? .......... 

Nurses had been coming and going all day, leaving with huge grins plastered on their faces, none of which was going unnoticed.  They would come into Larry's room, coo at the Princess, say "Hi" to Laurent, and chat, whisper, and make surreptitious hand signals between themselves and Larry, thinking Laurent couldn't see them.  He couldn't really, but he knew something was going on.  It seemed harmless enough, and it made Larry smile continuously, even when Michaela wasn't in his arms, so Laurent just left it.  Didn't even ask.  If they were all planning a surprise of some sort, he didn't want to ruin it. 

Because Larry had had a cesarean section, he would be staying in hospital for at least a few more days, maybe even a week.  Everything needed to be healing nicely, and Larry had to have done his larger business at some point, before he was going anywhere.  Not easy, considering all he could eat for a while was soft food and liquids, until his stomach got used to his body's new way of being.  And, boy, did he miss his food.  If it weren't for Michaela, and whatever ..... this..... was that was going on with the nurses, he would be constantly complaining that he was hungry, and who could blame him ?  One day, during a visit from the doc to check up on Larry's incision, the food service took his first proper meal away before he even had time to eat any of it.  And he cried, he literally cried.

"Don't worry, Larry, we'll find you another one"  Doc laughed at Larry's unstoppable appetite, and Laurent just chuckled because this was all too familiar.  Larry was up and walking around now, still sore and achy, but able to walk around on his own, to pick Michaela up out of her bassinet, with both care and Laurent's supervision, and  to love on his beautiful daughter, and his beautiful man, all he wished.  Laurent and Larry would spend their days, laying on Larry's bed for hours at a time, Laurent sitting behind Larry, propping his family against his chest, talking, and loving on their baby daughter.  Making plans, and envisioning their future together as a family, Laurent showering both Michaela and Larry with his kisses, his love and affection.  Neither of them could ever have imagined that their hearts could feel this full of love, for their daughter, or for one another.

In the evenings, as Michaela slept, they would dim the lights, and just hold each other tenderly, reminiscing about the past, Michaela's birth, making more plans.  Soft sweet kisses would occasionally turn more fervent, more urgent, only for one of them to pull back, to remind each other that they couldn't torture themselves like this.  While every passionate kiss didn't make them want to tear each other's clothes off and fuck each other stupid, some did.  While they were looking forward to the day, or night, when that could happen, the doc had been very strict about the rules for such a romantic rendezvous.  Six weeks.  They had to wait six weeks before they could have sex again.  "Mon Dieu !"  exclaimed Laurent when he was given the strict instructions by the doc.  It wasn't like last time, when the time frame was negotiable, this time it was not.  Larry would not be fully healed enough until then, to engage in any sort of physical fun and games.  And even then, the doc would have to give the all clear.  As Laurent would be the first to admit, Larry's health came first.  So in the meantime, they both just enjoyed their closeness, the bond they were building in becoming closer, as a couple, and as a family.  This was precious time, and they were making the most of it.  It would all change, soon enough.   

Not long after Larry had bonded with Michaela again, they posted the requisite family portrait from the hospital bed, the three of them, on their social media platforms, and they went crazy.  Larry held Michaela in his arms, smiling like it was going out of fashion.  Laurent sat behind them both, kissing his daughters head, the love in both their eyes so evident for one another, and for their daughter.  So many congratulations followed, and surprised exclamations that "Michael" was now "Michaela".  Flowers and gifts started arriving soon after that, filling Larry's room and their apartment to overflowing.  Soon there was no more room for one more flower, one more pair of baby's booties.

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