21 -- Love And Hate (2)

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My Dearest Ones, 

The REAL Prince Larry has come out of hiding, and Prince Laurent is beside himself with pride, and also very aroused by this new man in his life !!  With bravery and balls in their court, how will our two handsome princes navigate the future ........ and will there be more obstacles to go around or climb over ...... 

"I want to fuck you, right here, right now" Laurent growled into Larry's ear as they came off stage of the press conference, still holding hands.  Laurent stealthily pushed Larry's hand into his semi hard dick as they walked, earning himself a fierce glare, a smirk, and a mouthed "Not now!".

"Where the hell did that come from ?!"  asked the doc.

"Like I said, right time, right place.  It's a turn on, apparently" he smiled, not even heeding his own warning to Laurent by brushing his fingertips against Laurent's hard on as he stood behind him.  The doc was a smart guy, and he caught on to the smug looks they were giving each other.

"OK, you two, go home, get whatever ..... this..... is, out of your system" he smirked, waving a hand in the direction of Larry's crotch, "and I'll talk to you in a couple of days, yeah ?  Long enough for you two ?"  Doc still couldn't get over the fact that these two would openly show their love and lust for one another in public.  Like, every two minutes.  

"OK.  Thanks for everything, doc, couldn't have done it without ya!"  Larry yelled to the doc behind him, as Laurent was already dragging him by the hand out the door.

"Yes, you could", he said quietly to himself, as the two people he had come to like and admire so much, disappeared, literally, into the sunset.

--  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  

Laurent and Larry had deserved their lie in this morning.  There was nothing on the agenda for today that they were aware of.  They planned it that way, as they knew yesterday would have been an exhausting and emotional day, for both of them, but more so for Larry.  Not exhaustive enough, apparently, for Laurent not to plough Larry into the mattress as soon as they got home.  Rudely, impolitely, almost roughly.  Seeing Larry in this new light, so .... authoritative .....was such a turn on for him, he had rarely seen Larry like this before.  But he was most definitely looking forward to seeing it again.

After a late start and a leisurely brunch, they took a face time call from Jack Carter.

"Hey guys !  Larry, my man !  I like this version of you, I always knew you had balls !" he was rolling from side to side in his chair, Larry and Laurent just looking at each other grinning, amused by Jack's amusement.  

"OK, down to business."  He stopped and stared at them for a few moments, they thought the screen had frozen, he didn't move for that long.

"What ?!" they both yelled simultaneously.

"The world has gone nuts over you two !  Your press conference has gone viral, your fan pages and social media accounts are having a kiniption, and the Tabs are having a field day with .... what did the doc call him ? ..... oh yeah, "The Moron".  AND you're the lead story on E.T tonight !  How 'bout dem apples ?!" Jack couldn't contain himself, he was rocking back and forth in his chair, clapping his hands, tears of joy and hysterical amusement rolling down his plump rosy cheeks.  They guys were still grinning from ear to ear, letting Jack have his moment.  

"Ok, so what do we do next, Jack ?"  Laurent asked, hoping he wouldn't load them with too much, for Larry's sake.

"Today, just chill.  But I suggest you watch the videos, read the press, the fan pages and social media.  I'll send Marina over to do a short vlog later,..... and hour, tops.  You know, answer a few questions, your take on everything so far, maybe a quick thank you to everyone for their support.  I think once you see everything though, you'll want to do that anyway.  You have so much love out there, guys, just wait till you see it ..... anyway, gotta go, I've got sort out all the invitations that you guys received, I'll send them over with Marina, tonight, you can choose which ones you want to accept, but there's no hurry.  OK, gotta go, talk soon !"  He threw up a peace out sign, and was gone.   

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