17 -- Guest Of Honour

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Dear Readers, 

So, Prince Larry has gathered his wits and located his balls, and got on board the "L" train, Prince Laurent's plan to help them both navigate the cruel world that awaits them outside their castle walls ....... But will it all be too much for our Mommy-Daddy Prince ?  Or will he find himself pleasantly surprised ?  Read on .......

Larry and Laurent sat comfortably in the back seat of the uber they called to take them to the meeting.  As they sat looking out of the side windows, their hands barely touching in the middle of the seat, Laurent squeezed Larry's hand occasionally, gently, his usual affirmation of reassurance.  He was studying Larry's face as he looked out of his window in silence, his eyes darting as they followed the trees and buildings along their route to downtown.  He also felt the anxiety that traveled from Larry's body to his own, as Larry bit his lip nervously.

"It really will be OK,  mon amour.  Nothing will happen that you don't want to happen, I promise" Laurent told him, with another reassuring hand squeeze, as Larry offered him a weak smile in return.  All his bravado since making his decision, getting dressed quickly, and marching out of the apartment before he changed his mind, had disappeared into thin air, before being replaced by anxiety and doubt.  It wasn't too late to back out, he thought.  But his mind also insisted that he owed Laurent at least this much, to listen to the plan that he and these people have formulated, all for his benefit.  It was the least he could do.  

They arrived at their destination, a towering office building downtown, and with one last squeeze of his hand, Laurent helped Larry out of the car, both of them automatically looking skywards, as everyone is apt to do in New York.  It seems that is where the world lives in this city.  Up. 

"These are the offices of the P.R. company, Lar.  You are the guest of honour today, and everyone here knows that.  Today, and every day for the next year.  You OK with that ?"  Larry nodded his head, yes.  

"Lets do it !"  Laurent smiles THAT smile, the one that melts Larry's heart, the one that makes him want to jump his bones, right here in the middle of the sidewalk, the one that has "I love you" written across it for all the world to see.  

They walk into the building hand in hand, across the echoing, marble lobby floor to the elevators.   It becomes clear to Larry that Laurent knows where he is going, as he presses the appropriate button in the elevator for the floor they need without a second glance, still holding Larry's hand tightly.  As they step out of the elevator, a huge sign that reads   "CARTER AND ASSOCIATES  --  Public Relations, Social Influencers, and More .... ".  They couldn't miss it, it took up the whole wall in front of them.  Larry looked around, his jaw dropping wider the more he looked.

"Wow !"  he gasps "You weren't kidding !"  His eyes get wider trying to take everything in at once.  The decor is chic and contemporary, with huge, over sized leather sofas just begging you to sit in them, maybe take a nap.  There are what seem like dozens of people, all smiling, greeting them with a casual hi, or the shake of a hand.  At least six people stand behind a large semicircular desk in front of them, all talking to imaginary people who can't be seen, but only they can hear through their earpieces.  All these people seemed to know who he was.

"I told you, the world, THIS world, revolves around you and the baby, from now on.  Get used to this, my love." smiled Laurent.  Laurent stood so tall in that moment, so proud that a company this well regarded, this prestigious, this expensive, would be representing his love.  He could only hope that Larry would allow them to get past this first, crucial stage.  Laurent told one of the receptionists that he and Larry were here for their two o'clock meeting, and no sooner had Larry got comfortable on the sofa, sinking into the buttery leather, they were having to stand up again, Laurent helping Larry to his feet, to greet one of the associates.  Only it wasn't an associate, it was the main man himself.  

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