9 -- Knowing - Larry

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My Dearest Darlings ,

Prince Larry is awake and well, apart from the puking !!  Prince Laurent is beside himself with happiness !!  The baby elephant is still in the room, but not for long.  How will our Prince receive the news he is about to be a Mommy-Daddy ?  

It was light when Larry awoke, to a grey and overcast day, unlike the last few days.  A nurse was already standing by his bed, checking his monitors and taking notes.  He smiled up at her, as she placed a finger to her lips, and pointed to a still sleeping Laurent, who was facing him.  He was dressed in the same clothes he had on yesterday, and Larry realised he had probably done this every night he had been here with him.  His heart sank for what he knew he was putting Laurent through every single day.  He put his hands behind himself then, to try to push himself up higher on his pillows.

"Would you like your bed raised, Mr Read ?" she asked.

"Larry, and yes please, just a little."  His voice was the usual groggy morning voice, but it would be back to normal soon, he hoped.  The noise of the motor on the bed woke Laurent, and as he stirred, he opened his eyes to a smiling Larry, his pillows being plumped up by the nurse.

"Hi, my love" cooed Laurent, smiling at Larry ".  He laid still, his head resting on his hands, blinking himself awake.

"Good morning.  Why didn't you change last night, Lau ?"

"Dunno, I never do, I'm usually so tired by the end ...."  he trailed off, not wanting to make Larry feel bad about the fact that he was so exhausted by the end of each day, both physically and emotionally, he never had the energy to change into night clothes, so he just stayed in what he had on.  He would always shower and change in the morning.  The nurse had finished her checks, and turned her attention to Larry.

"You need to try to eat today, Larry, we need you back strong again, " she said smiling at him, a little of a strict mom look on her face.  But, as usual, the mere mention of food had him looking for his go to water jug, his vessel of choice to throw up into.  Laurent frowned, and sighed deeply.

"God, why the fuck won't this stop.  Surely the antibiotics aren't still making me this sick ?  I have a new found respect for all those poor women who go through this every day" he sighed, as he took the warm washcloth offered by the nurse.  She looked at Laurent and smiled knowingly. Laurent then got out of bed, and walked over to Larry, giving him a soft "good morning" peck on his cheek. 

"You have to eat, my love, I'm sure we can find something that doesn't make you feel sick ? "

"I know, and I'm hungry too, but I hate this !  I hope it stops soon, Lau, I don't deal with being "ill" well,"   He knew very well he didn't.   God, it was going to be a long five months, if they even got that far.  

"I see Dr. Marshall has you guys down for a longer consultation this morning.  I'm sure it's good news."  Larry noticed her broad smile as she left the room.

"What's she so happy about ?" ha asked Laurent, and all he could do again was shrug and smile too.   But then a thought struck him, a not so happy one.  A worried look crossed his face.

"Lau ?  Why is that ?  Why is the doctor spending longer with us this morning ?  What's wrong ?"  Laurent did his best to placate him.

"Dr. Marshall is a specialist clinician in your condition, baby, maybe he just wants to go over some stuff with us"  he said uneasily, and not at all convincingly.  Larry was having none it. 

"What's wrong with me, Laurent, I know you're hiding something, you are such a bad liar !"  Larry was smiling, but he was low-key panicking now, sure there was some terrible news approaching from just outside his door.  

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