30 -- Happy Birthday !

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Greetings my lovelies !!

Prince Larry can't wait to be a mommy-daddy, literally !!  He and Prince Laurent are ready to be parents to their new Prince.  The time is nigh !  Let the bells of the Kingdom ring !  A new Prince is to be born ....... or not ......

Larry had just resigned himself to the fact that Michael would be here when he got here.  That he would come when he was ready, and that was that.  He spent his days eating, napping, taking short walks with Laurent, watching a movie, eating some more, and napping again.  For a few days, Laurent felt it was his duty, and his pleasure, to give Larry at least one orgasm a day, in some way, shape or form, in the hopes of triggering his labour.  All interesting, inventive and .... fun.  Until it wasn't fun anymore, for either of them.  So they just gave up.  They didn't want to get to the point where they couldn't even bear the thought of doing something they had both loved, and it became a chore.  So they decided to just leave it to fate.

During this time, Larry's Vanity Fair cover had come out.  It was in every newsagent, every bookseller, street vendor, you name it.  It was in virtually every high street window, and they were flying off the magazine racks.  Larry's cover was different to Demi's.  He still did the same pose, gazing off into the distance, one hand above his bump, one underneath, covering his modesty.  But the publishers had decided to put Laurent on the cover too, as he was also a beautiful man, had a bad boy vibe, was very well known, and not just as the father of Larry's child.  Again naked, stood behind Larry, the viewer able to see the full height of his lithe dancer's body.  He wrapped his arms around Larry and Michael, all bronze skin and tattoos, his silver rings cascading from his fingers as they held Larry's stomach, in contrast to the relative simplicity of Larry's unadorned skin and hands.  Laurent's head was bowed slightly, his lips attached to Larry at his favourite place. That beautiful juncture of Larry's collarbone, neck and shoulder.  While doing the photo shoot, he had to stay in that position for a while, and the fact that he couldn't stop kissing Larry in his sweetest spots, had them both hard at times, to the point they even had to stop for a break, most females on set thinking it was the most romantic thing in the world.   Yeah, right, mused Laurent at the time, I just want to fuck my 8 month pregnant boyfriend right here in front of everyone.  Romantic indeed, he huffed.  

It was an amazing photo, and it illuminated their love, elevated it, plain and simple for the whole world to see.  It was at once ethereal and emotional.  It celebrated life, in whatever form that took, and all that that entailed.  They had been sent an advance copy, and it had pride of place in their home.  They were keeping all the lovely things they had received during this time, all the magazine covers, all the articles, all the gifts, for Michael.  So that when he was older he could see how loved they all were.  And how much his parent's loved him.  To the moon and back.  

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Laurent woke on this particular morning to an empty space beside him, but he didn't worry too much.  He could hear Larry yelling at someone on his phone in the living room.  He fell back onto his pillow and allowed himself a smile, knowing what the poor caller on the other end must be going through.  

"Fuck !  Can't they find anyone else ?  ...... Peter's got security clearance ........ Peter's gone ?  Where the fuck ....... oh, yeah, I did, didn't I ......... worthless piece of shit ........ and they need it sorted now ?........ OK, OK, I'll be there as soon as I can.  OK, see you in a bit.  Bye. "  It seemed the Larry of yesterday was gone, replaced by a fire breathing beast who would have no truck with anyone, especially idiots.  Hormones, anyone ?  

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