September 2012 - December 2013

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"Gigi you should really just wait until you transfer to a university. The guys here suck. You've been through enough of them to know that," Casey says as we arrive at school and put our swim bags in the locker room before classes start.

She was right. I've had my highs and lows with the guys here, definitely more lows, so I decided to take her advice and wait to date again until I transfer from community college to a university.

I'll admit, I had my fair share of "flings" with some of the guys at my school, specifically athletes, but that's only because I hardly dated at all in high school and this was the first time in my life that guys actually started to notice me. Unfortunately, none of them worked out. First there was the guy from the water polo team (this ended before it ever really started), then a guy from the basketball team (self-sabotage at its finest), and then a guy from the football team (which, of course, ended in heartbreak). I was ready to revert back to my high school ways to avoid any more guy trouble, which meant focusing strictly on sports and academics. For my final semester at community college before hopefully transferring to the university of my dreams, UCLA, I tried my very best to eliminate guys from the equation, but, as anyone would guess, things did not go as planned.

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