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       Chapter Two 🐺

I took a last hit of my cigarette , puffed up the smoke and threw the stick stepping on it with my boots. I just hopped off my car in Namjoon hyung's garage and I can already hear the hyung's voices.

Namjoon hyung's house is our Hangout Place, our Turf where we waste our time drinking, smoking and just having fun.

I was welcomed with the smell of waffles , pancakes and coffee and saw the old geezers on the living room playing some games.

"Yo Kooks ! Play with me, Namjoon's a loser can't even beat me at least once." Namjoon hyung scowled at what Hobi hyung said, I laughed and nod.

I saw Jin hyung cooking on the kitchen, with an apron on and his bangs tied in a sprout.

"Hey Kookie, Did you ate breakfast already ?"

"Just drank my milk hyung. "

"Okay let's eat. You fuckers get your lazy asses here now. Breakfast !"

Almost instantly, my hyungs stood up and raced to the dining table. I too, took a sit beside Yoongi hyung who looked like he's half asleep.

"Yah ! Yoongi just go to sleep if you're that sleepy." Jin chided putting on syrup on his waffles and also on Namjoon hyungs.

"I'm fucking hungry ! I'll sleep after then." Yoongi hyung grumbles munching on his pancakes.

"So, You had a fight with that big mouth yesterday ? I was at Football practice wasn't able to watch " Hobi hyung grins, looking at my bruise.

"Yeah, the fucker had the audacity to pick up a fight with me. I was not really in the mood but he asked for it."

The hyungs laughed, I got another earful from Jin hyung.
We finished our breakfast and went back to the living room, I hopped on the couch with Hobi hyung.

"Let's watch some movies." Jim hyung searched through the lists on Netflix, I heard Yoongi hyung talking outside the door. I didn't notice he was outside, since he said he'll go to sleep.

"Hyung, whose he talking to ?" Namjoon hyung looked up from his phone, and darted his eyes at the front door where Yoongi hyung stood outside.

" Not sure, he never said anything." He shrugs.

Jin hyung decided to watch some Thailand Horror Comedy movie , With Hobi hyung whining because he hates horror movies so Jin hyung shut him up with popcorns on his mouth.

I checked my phone , and I saw some messages from my girls asking for attention. But of course I'm here with my hyungs so my time is for them. I decided to not reply to any.

We are already focusing on the movie when Yoongi hyung came back, with another person in tow.

"So, My step brother Jimin is here." He said .

"H-hi." Jimin greeted , flushing. I chuckled at him, Jimin is that cute short boy who is always with that sassy Nerd.

"Hello Jimin , Join us. Do you want some drinks or anything ?" Jin welcomed him, smiling warmly.

"Do you have some strawberry milk ?" He asked tilting his head to the side. Namjoon hyung chuckled.

"Yes , It's in the fridge."

"I'll go get it for you, Go ahead and take a sit." Yoongi motioned him to sit on the separate couch were he sat before.

Hobi hyung grinned meaningfully, And Jin gave him a look.

"Hey Jimin, How are you." I asked, Me and Jimin are at least friendly with each other. It's only Taehyung who I don't vibe with, but He's fun tease.

"I'm fine, I'm sorry if I interrupted you guys. Our parents are away and I'm alone in that big ass house, then Hyung invited me here."

Yoongi hyung came back with a cartoon of Strawberry milk, and sat on the carpet just below his step brother.

"It's fine sweetie." Jin hyung assured him.


We ordered Pizza around noon and we switched to playing games after a few movies, Turns out Jimin is also a fan of overwatch saying him and Taehyung always play.

We took turns in playing, Yoongi hyung sleeps on the empty couch. And Jin and Namjoon hyung went out to buy some drinks.

"Yah ! Jungkook that's cheating ." Hobi hyung shouts

"I'm not !"

Jimin giggles at our banters, we did a few more rounds of games. And I won most of it, Jimin coming second and Hobi the lowest in scores.

The two hyungs came back with cans of beers.

"Drink up Cows!" Jin hyung grinned.

This is our kind of party, yes we host huge ass parties but we also have our own parties just us, like this.

"Hey Kook, I think I have a bottle of wine upstairs. Can you get it for me ? It's inside the little fridge."

That's the time I noticed we are already out of beers, Jimin is already drunk on the couch , laughing with Yoongi trying to stop him from taking another can.

Hobi hyung and Jin hyung are laughing to themselves about something, and it looks like me and Namjoon hyung are the only ones that are not that drunk yet, just a little.


I Staggered up stairs and opened Joon hyung's room. His led light are on so i can still see , I went straight to his fridge. I saw stocks of energy drinks and a few bottles of wines. I took one energy drink , it's a small bottle with a red liquid. It doesn't have any brand on it which is weird but I still gulped it down.

I scrunched my face as the bitter liquid lined down my throat.

"The fuck ? That doesn't taste like energy drink at all."


Hi ? Hope you stay healthy and stay at home. Let's fight this virus together !

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