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    Chapter Thirteen 🐺

The next day, Jimin picked me up from my house. I don't really feel so good and I kept on sneezing, and I think I'm hallucinating because of the medicine I took.

" You look like you need to rest Tae, I can accompany you to the clinic. " Jimin looked really worried, I shook my head. I am now off to my next class, I closed my locker and hugged the books to my chest I am actually feeling lightweight but I was already absent yesterday I can't skip today also.

" I'm fine Jimin, I'm going now. See ya later ?" I smiled at him, showing him I'm totally fine.

Without meaning to, I met the gaze of the person I tried to really avoid today. His gaze is heavy on me, he's with a girl , the very same girl he embarrassed that day at the cafeteria.

Jimin looked uneasy, I gave him a small smile and a nod. The two passed by us, and I shut my eyes afraid that there maybe tears threatening to fall down. His flirting with her and she's giggling.

I don't even know anymore.

" See you later then ?"

"See you Chim."

And we both went our ways.


Morning classes ended and I am seconds away from fainting, I am now with Jimin in our usual table.

I really don't want to admit but as soon as I went pass the double doors of the cafeteria my eyes looked for that certain doe eyed male with adorable— arghh !

" Tae, you're playing with your food." Jimin almost whined, and I want to whine too but that'd be too childish of me. Jimin looks cute whining or being needy, I look, stupid and gross.

" I'm just not hungry Chim." And I sneezed , in front of him. My face blushed in embarrassment.

"I'm sorry !"

"It rained yesterday." There's slight anger in his usual soft voice, but I nodded , Don't want to piss him off.

"And you visited your mom" I nodded again.

"That's it your going to the nurse , I'll tell your teachers." I groaned, When he grabbed my bookbag and my hand I really didn't have any other choice.


Jin hyung visited me for a short time while I was at the clinic, he brought me hot lemon and i really appreciated him.

" Kooks is staying at Joon's for the time being, His cousin already perfected the vaccine." I didn't react much at what he said, I just drank my hot lemon silently.

" And he almost set the house on fire and also maybe almost drowned Hobi, but it's hobi's fault for pissing him off though." Jin shrugged like its so normal and I choked on my lemon.

" He what ?" My eyes widened.

"He broke Joonie's stove, burned the kitchen and drowned Hoseok."

"That wolfy have anger issues." I replied still a little worried about his actions, and he almost drowned Hoseok hyung ?

" Well, it's Mating Season . He's always hot headed and horny. I just hope he's not fucking that ugly bitch in an empty classroom or worse at a stockroom. "

I don't know but the thought of him touching someone else really , really hurts. Or May I know why I'm hurting but I just don't want to accept it

Specially because I he only acted that way towards me because of that Vial, he doesn't really have feelings for me.

" Y-yeah... I think I'm gonna sleep for a while hyung, the nurse said I can just go home. " I smiled, fake , Jin looks guilty. I don't know why but he nods and the pata my head and left.

I laid down the bed and covered my face, and tears pooled down my eyes.


"Kookie !" The young male grins as he approached the younger male sitting below the monkey trail playing on his PSP.

But the other only looked at him, face void of expression. His pinkish cheek had a fresh wound making the older male furrow his head with worry.

"What happened to your cheek Kookie ? Are you hurt ?" His voice laced with worry , he crouched down and softly touched the younger's face but they heard laughing and shouts towards them.

"Look at that faggot, Taehyungie have a crush on Kookie ?? Eewww you're gross ! " A mean boy with big stomach picks on them. Jungkook doesn't look very pleased, so the younger swatted his hands away from him and stood up, brushing together his hands and patting away dirt on his pants.

Taehyung bit down on his lip.

"I-Im sorry Kook—"

"Don't call me that. And I'm not gay." Taehyung could see disgust from his face, and his poor little heart broke. It's his second heartbreaking right after loosing his Mom.

" J-jungkook—" the elder tried again.

"Just don't... don't talk to me again Taehyung. It's better that way right ?" The younger glanced at the group of mean boys still picking on them, Calling Taehyung names he's not supposed to hear at such a young age.

And ever since that day, Taehyung never visited the park where they used to play together, and Taehyung became aloof and only befriended the new kid that just moved in with the Mins.


Had a couple drinks at my cousin's house last night and i lost my phone's charger. Until now still can't find it 😐😐.

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