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      Chapter Twelve 🐺

Questions, Possible outcomes and Stupid reasons swarmed my mind all throughout the ride to Rico's Diner, Jungkook's incredibly silent though which is unusual but it's a good thing. I have a lot to think about right now and I don't need any distractions , and maybe tonight we can finally talk seriously.

Whenever we're alone, specially in my house we always ends up on the bed with him hovering over me, we can't do anything seriously because of his horny ass.

"We're here " his deep raspy voice took my attention, I looked out the window and nodded. The Diner looked cozy with a few costumers, I can see couples dining happily.

"Let's go ?" His innocent smile tugged something inside me, I nodded and took his hand that he held out for me. We went inside hand in hand.

A waiter led us to a table that Jungkook booked for us.

"I will be back for the menus." The young waiter bowed and left us. Jungkook's just staring at me smiling.

" Wow, I feel so underdressed." I chuckled but he just shook his head softly, eyes never leaving mine.

He's acting unusual today, well he's weird everyday. With his horny ass always clinging on me and his possessiveness that's sometimes getting out of hand. Right now ,is like he's a different Jungkook. Not the Jungkook I Know, this Jungkook is actually...cute and romantic.

The waiter came back with the menu, I ordered the same thing as Jungkook's. We both ordered only water , I don't want to consume any alcohol tonight. I'm a lightweight and I want to talk to him sober.

" We need to talk Jungkook." He noticed the seriousness of my tone of voice that his smiling face is now laced with worry.

"Yes baby ? What's wrong ?" His brows are now furrowed, he placed his bigger and warmer hand over mine that's at the top of the table.

"Jungkook, I am not your baby. I don't mean to affront you or your feelings, I'm not even sure if you really have feelings for me. I want you to remember that we're in this situation because you drunk that vial." I tried to sound as calm as I could, to not offend him. Confusion is now written in his perfect face, damn. I sighed and drew back my hand from his hold, and ...god I think I just saw hurt in his beautiful doe eyes.

But no, I need to clear things up right now. Before... before I catch feelings. Deeper feelings.

" You think this is all because of that ... stupid liquid ?" His voice is now gruff, I puckered my lips a bit and sighed.

"Yes, You— you're acting this way towards me because of that damn liquid. Once you get the vaccine you'll realize that it's all just your stupid hormones. A-an Alpha Wolf taking over your senses. That you don't really feel anything for me."

He's now clenching his jaws and I gulped down a lump on my throat. I don't know why I'm actually having a hard time accepting this, all that I'm saying. Fuck.

Our orders were served and we ate silently, I lost my appetite but I have to eat. He booked us a table and actually made an effort to bring me here.

"Fine " he said out of the blue, voice deep and hoarse. " Maybe you're right, It's just because of that stupid liquid. Don't worry Taehyung , Once I get the vaccine this will be over. I won't cling on to you anymore. We'll be back to how we used to be, it's what you want right?" He spat with spite. And all I could do is shut my eyes and nod.

"Finish your food, and I'll take you home."

I kept my head lowered down throughout the dinner. No more words were said after that. Jungkook took me home and dropped me by the gates.

"Lock the doors, I won't be sleeping here tonight." Is all he said and stepped on the gas, and I watched his car go and disappeared not realizing I was already crying.

I wasn't able to sleep even a wink that night, Jungkook never did came back.
Until morning came and the sun peeked through my open window.

Since I took the exams yesterday, I decided to just absent today to sulk and maybe visit my Mom's grave.
I texted Jimin to go straight to school for I will be absent today and visit my Mom.

He understands and didn't pry anymore, without realizing I fell asleep with my phone on my chest.

I woke up around noon and took a shower , I wore my favorite Yellow sweater my mom gave me before she passed away and a black pants. I rode my old pastel blue bycicle and picked up a flower from a flower shop where we always buy.

The sky looked gloomy and sad, like it's about to rain. Just this morning the sun was shining like Hoseok hyung's smile.

The image of Hyung's smiling face somehow made me feel a little lighter. I arrived at the cemetery and in my mom's tomb.

"Hey Ma ." Greeted. I crouched down and started removing dead leaves and flowers that we brought from our last visit, then i placed the knew one I bought.

My mom loves sunflowers so I also bought one along with the white roses.

"I'm sorry if I wasn't able to visit, school's eating my ass. But since I finished my exams yesterday I get to visit you."
I wiped the dirt on her tombstone, I smiled sadly as I read her name.

Kim Hyun Ah

"I really miss you Ma, I wish you're here with me. "

I always visit my mom Everytime I'm upset. It's somehow calms me down when I to talk to her . I talked to her more until I felt droplets of rain pouring down.

"Until next time Ma, I miss you."

I bid goodbye to her, and rode my bike. I didn't made an effort to pedal faster since I know the rain will eventually catch up with me.

And just like in the movies, I cried like a brokenhearted protagonist who failed at love under the pouring rain

How dramatic.

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