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      Chapter Four 🐺

I sat on the nearby bench near the football field, bored. Namjoon hyung asked me to wait for him after class to talk about something.

I cut classes because, I can't seem to get Taehyung out of my mind, my system. I can't be near him or I might pounce on him, which I almost did after lunch when we had another class together.

That's why I cut class, to avoid any circumstances involving me pouncing on him and embarrassing myself in front of everyone. Because the whole Campus knows how we hate each other.

"Hey " I glanced at Namjoon hyung as took the seat beside me.

"What do you want to talk about hyung ?"

"I'll get straight to the point Kook." I cocked a brow at him, and he sighed.

"Did you touch anything inside my room ?" His face is serious and I tried to think back on anything that I might have did before .

"I'm always at your place hyung, I always touch almost everything, can you be more specific ?"

He ran his hand through his hair and let out another sigh, he smells like he's stressed. Which kinda freaks me out, it's like I can smell what he's feeling.

"That night when I asked you to get wine , did you took something aside from wine?"

"Well, aside from one bottle of energy drink also I took one lollipop but that's it." I shrugged, getting curious and confused by his questions.

I heard him curse and groan in frustration.

"What ?" I asked .

"I think you just drank one my cousin's experiments. It's inside a vial, It's not yet perfected and I think you are his first subject."

What the actual fuck? I knew it wasn't an energy drink.

"Why the fuck would you put that inside your fridge along with other drinks hyung !?" I exclaimed, brushing my face both with my hands.

"Because I need to put it inside a cold temperature, besides I specially placed it somewhere it's not seen. How the fuck did you even found it ?"

"It was the first thing I saw, Besides why do you have it , if it was from your Cousin's ?"

" He visited two weeks ago, he's one of the scientist who conducted a project with your Father. He accidentally left it there, but he flew to Madrid and won't be back until next year."

I groaned on my seat, Am I going to die now ? Is it the reason why I'm feeling this weird shit going on with me ??

"Am I going to die ?"

"Hope not, I'll be calling my cousin tonight. For now you need to keep me updated about everything that you feel."

I nodded in defeat, I don't have any choice.

"I've been feeling all these weird changes though." Hyung gave me a curious look.

"Like what ?"

"My senses are far better than normal."

"What do you mean Kook ?"

"I feel stronger, I can see more clearly, Can hear clearly too .. I can hear those two girls ogling at us near the Music Club. And I can smell that your stressed, I can smell your mood. If Jin hyung is pissed or if Hoseok hyung is Horny. It's fucking weird."

There was a long silence before Namjoon released another curse.

"Hwangju mentioned about wolfs blood before, Fuck Kooks I think your turning into a wolf Hybrid. "

"A what ?!"


"Tae, I will be going home with Yoongi hyung. " Jimin bit his lips, talking softly, shyly. I giggled at the sight.

"It's okay Chim! I can just take the bus, You enjoy your time with your Hyung."

He whined at the emphasis at the word Hyung. He confessed that he Fancy's his Step Brother , I knew he had a crush on Yoongi even before when we were in grade school I thought he got over it, looks like he didn't.

"Well, I'll be going now. I can't miss my ride. Goodbye, Enjoy." I winked at his flushes face , and wave him goodbye as I walk out of the school gates to go to the bus stop.

It's packed since there's a lot of students like me who just got off from school. I released a yawn, while standing behind the post. I took my headphones out and listed  to music , that's what I did until I got home.

I came home to my dad getting out of the house in his uniform, he smiled at me and gave me a tight hug.

"You going on nightshifts again ?" I mumbled.

"For the rest of the week Son, be sure to always lock the house when you go to sleep and when you leave for school okay ?? And no parties." He warned, giving me a pointed look. I chuckled nodding at him.

"I don't like parties dad, It's not my thing. You take care of yourself."

"Okay, Good night. Just microwave the food I ordered for you. I'll get going now "

I nodded again, as I watch him leave in his car.

My dad is a nurse, working at one of the Jeon's Private Hospital. His job pays well to be honest and that's where we get money to buy our daily needs.

I went inside, slipping out of my shoes. Speaking of Jeons.

Yes, Jeon Jungkook's Dad is a businessman. That bastard is an heir to the Jeon Industries and Hospitals. He's fucking rich , that's why he's so cocky and full of himself.

Just the thought of him instantly ruined my mood. I changed into comfortable oversized Shirt and just stayed in my boxers. I ate the food Dad ordered, and went upstairs to my room to study, and maybe watch anime after.

Not even realising that after tonight, my life will change forever.


Okay ! Lol , mild smut for the next Chapter.
Please be warned, And Don't expect too much .. hahah

Anyways, Im thinking of giving Hoseok a partner here. I mean Hobi is mine but, I can't just include myself in the story. Wahahah

I'm thinking about Queen Hwasa what do you guys think ??? Hmmmmmm
Well, hope you like it !

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