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Chapter Six 🐺

" Well, there's a high possibility. " Namjoon hyung nods to himself , his finger on his chin thinking deeply, while sitting on the opposite side of of the couch where me and Taehyung sits, about twelve inches away from each other.Looked like he just had a good fucking, I know that we're supposed to be fucking Serious right now.

But, his shirt is disheveled, lips swollen , I see nail scratches on near his collarbones and his hair is in a mess. And he doesn't look like he woke up from sleeping.

" Eheem.." Taehyung cleared his throat.

"That what ? I maybe in a rut ? Is that why I'm like some mad animal wanting to fucking devour Taehyung !?" I deadpanned.

" Fucking Yes. What other conclusions do you need ? Besides, you confessed yesterday that you've been stopping yourself from pouncing on him yesterday."

I heard Taehyung choke on his tea, and I glared and Namjoon hyung. Who looked like he's going to burst out laughing.

"You okay ?" I asked which Taehyung nodded in response, his face flushed red.

"Yeah...I was just... Surprised." He cleared his throat again avoiding my gaze.

I sighed, slumped my back on the couch staring at the caramel ceiling of Taehyung's house.

After I, almost devoured Taehyung and had some shouting sessions with him. I called Namjoon hyung to come, I'm glad that my temperature died down along with my want towards Taehyung. Damn, that was crazy.

"Female Wolves goes into heat, well almost every animals does. But for Male Wolves they go in to rut, but it only happens when it's Mating season. " Namjoon hyung is currently scrolling down on his phone.

Me and Taehyung stayed silent, waiting for him to continue speaking.

"Hyung sent me a file that's included in his experiment. What are the possible outcomes. And the main goal or aim for his experiment." Hyung gave us both a serious look. "Jungkook, You're my cousin's very first test subject for his Project."

"What's is he aiming for anyway ? Why make this experiment?"

"Hybrids, He wants to produce Hybrids. But only for animals, your case was accidental. It's not supposed to be tested on Humans, it's not even a project related to humans. But since your dumb ass drunk the vial, Tadaaaa~ Congratulations ! You're his first ever Human Hybrid." A fake smile spreads through his mouth, revealing his pearly whites.

"Y-you mean, he's like a half human half animal now ?" Taehyung asked confused, eyebrows furrowed.

"Half Wolf to be exact !" Hyung corrected.

There was a pause, and then Taehyung laughed. I glared at him , pissed. Why the fuck is he laughing ?

"What ? What's so funny Taehyung ?!" I'm slowly getting irritated.

"Oh my gosh ... Shit " he said in between laughter. Then he covered his mouth,but his body is still shaking stopping himself.

"Does... Does that mean you're a Werewolf now ? Shit, this is Amazing ! Will you- ... Will you grow ears and a tail !?" He's still suppressing his laugh.

"Yeah, and a big fucking wolf dick and knot you deep down your man pussy." I growled.


I stopped laughing at what he said, he's clearly mad and he looked like he's only seconds away from slitting my throat. I swallowed a lump.

" D-don't joke like that Jeon, that's not funny." I stuttered, feeling myself shiver from his stare.

"Oh.. I'm not fucking kidding Taehyung. Shut up, or I'll wreck you." His voice went down deeper. I nodded unconsciously at that.

But I don't know why, deep down I actually am up for that, shit.


Namjoon hyung broke the tension after that with a solution for the meantime. And that means, Jungkook should just stay at home and skip school for a while. The Teachers should not suspect anything since he's almost not in every class. He's a big time Businessman's Son and heir , they donate a lot of cash to the school, so the Headmaster favors him and always let's him go whenever he causes fights.

The two went home around three in the morning, and I didn't slept a wink. It's now almost seven in the morning and I'm on my way to school, Jimin can't be reached through his phone for some reason, and maybe he won't be fetching me for school for today . So I took the bus.

I'm still bugged by what happened to Jungkook, and all the shit the happened. And it looks like only few of us knows.

I unconsciously touched my lips, and my neck. I can still feel his hot breath, wet mouth and hear his groans. I can't seem to get it out of my mind.

Jimin didn't show up at our usual spot, so I just took a quick nap until I heard the bell rang.

The day went by quickly, without Jimin showing up for school. Only sent me a text saying he woke up late and that he doesn't feel well.

I gave him a quick call, asking how he feels and wished for him to get well soon. I got home to an empty house, which is not new. My Dad's on nightshift, so I am alone for the whole week. Hopefully we can spend some time on the weekend.

I hopped on the shower and changed in to fresh clothes. I stood in front of my vanity mirror drying my hair in a towel. Closing my eyes as I hum my favorite song, massaging my scalp.

I felt a warm breath on my neck and I jump to my surprise my heart beating fast , but two large hands steadied me by my waist. I saw Jungkook's reflection and I sighed in relief.

"What the Fuck ! Jungkook you need to learn how to knock." I glared through our reflection, I heard him chuckle huskily. His nose touched the skin on my nape and I shivered.

"I'm sorry baby." He rasped and licked a strip up to my earlobe. I inhaled a breath as our eyes locked on the mirror, his inked hands caged my waist and I'm now pressed on his hard body. I can't stop the flush the spreads through my neck up to my face.

"Y-yah ! " I stuttered lifting my hands to try and free myself from him, but to no avail, his hold on me too strong It didn't even do anything.

"Baby, you make me go crazy. I think I'm losing my mind."


Henlo, Trivia : Do you know that comments and votes motivates frustrated writers like me ? Now you know !


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