Chapter 4

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Lisa's heart was pounding as she pulled up to her school. She looked at the red bricks that made up her school and thought about the monster inside of her. She thought about her dad and what he would be doing right now. She wondered if he would ever be proud of her. She felt as if he wouldn't be. He did walk out on them after all.

Lisa shook her head and decided that thinking about her father was too much, but it did rile her up and that was what she wanted. She wanted to have the bark that made her the fierce basketball player she was and she got out of her car with a smile on her face.

She was ready to kill.

Lisa was gathering her stuff from the back seat of her car. She recently cleaned it because of that awkward moment Ms. Kim saw all the trash in her car. Her car smelled and looked like it was brand new and she smiled again as she closed the door.

She was getting ready to walk inside when she heard that familiar laughter. She had heard small versions of that laugh and the full thing, but this was next level.

There was an hour until the game started and Lisa heard the familiar sound of heels. It drove Lisa crazy because she could hear her, but couldn't see her. She rounded the corner and that was when she did see her.

She was leaning against the bricks and was talking to a brunette haired girl. Ms. Kim had her head thrown back in laughter and it was too late for Lisa to turn around because Ms. Kim saw her.

"Lisa!" Ms. Kim exclaimed happily. Lisa felt like the roles were reversed as she took slow steps over to the teacher and let out a small smile.

"I was just telling my friend about you." Ms. Kim explained as Lisa stood in front of them. Lisa looked over to the brunette and had to admit that she looked good. Her hair was down and she was wearing casual clothes. Nothing like what Ms. Kim was wearing. She was wearing her usual skirt and blouse with her heels and Lisa tried not to stare too long. Her insides turned in the best way possible as she looked over at Ms. Kim's form.

"Wow. Are you really a high school student?" The brunette asked. Lisa smiled and nodded.

"I am. I'm a senior." Lisa said proudly and the brunette nodded.

"This is Jisoo. Jisoo, this is Lisa." Ms. Kim introduced the two girls and Lisa nodded to her.

"It's nice to meet you. Ms. Kim tells me a lot about you." Jisoo emphasized her name and Lisa tried not to groan.

"You know, this is all bad luck. If you could just tell me her name.." Lisa trailed off to Jisoo and Jisoo laughed.

"Oh wow, you weren't kidding. Sorry, kid." Jisoo said as she looked over to the basketball player.

"I'm not a kid. I'm an adult. Really, I'm eighteen." Lisa informed them and she watched how Ms. Kim sucked in a breath. Lisa locked eyes with the older girl but couldn't for the life of her figure out what she was thinking. Ms. Kim was looking deep into her eyes and it took her best friend yanking on her arm to pull her out of her trance.

"Jisoo, why don't you get us some seats?" Ms. Kim asked and gave Jisoo no time to negotiate as she pushed the girl in the direction of the school.

"Um, okay." Jisoo said awkwardly.

"Are you okay?" Lisa asked. She had no idea what was going on and she wanted to find out.

"I'm fine." Ms. Kim croaked out and Lisa nodded. Lisa looked around briefly before she settled her eyes on the gorgeous woman before her.

"Are we good?" Lisa had to ask. The way they left things yesterday and this moment right now, she felt so standoffish. She wanted to know if they were okay.

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