Chapter 11

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Lisa woke up in a great mood. She was so excited to see Ms. Ki- Jennie today. Lisa still couldn't believe that she finally knew her name and she loved saying it.

Lisa knew she probably would have to deal with Irene today and she was dreading it. She would much rather spend her time with Ms. Kim. Lisa's mom made her breakfast and they chatted before she had to go to work and Lisa had to go to school.

"Have a great day, honey." Lisa's mom said sweetly and Lisa went over to hug her mom.

"You too, mom." Lisa said happily as she kissed her cheek.

"I'll see you tonight for dinner." Lisa's mom said and Lisa nodded.

"See you then."

Lisa smirked as she walked up to Ms. Kim. She was sitting in the rocks and grass behind the bleachers.

"Hey, you." Lisa greeted with a smile and Ms. Kim smirked back.

"Hey." They both smiled at each other like they were in on some inside secret and they were. Lisa finally knew Ms. Kim's first name and she loved it. She loved the way she said it. She loved hearing it. She loved everything about her name. It was so beautiful and fit her well.

"I don't want to say it yet." Lisa said quietly.

"I don't want you to. Come by my classroom during your free period." Ms. Kim offered and Lisa nodded greedily.

"You already read my mind." Lisa hummed.

"How's your dad?" Lisa asked after a few minutes of silence and Ms. Kim shook her head.

"He's going to be hospital bound for a while. Until he.." Ms. Kim trailed off and Lisa felt her heart ache. It was hard watching Ms. Kim give up so easily. Lisa knew how much time her dad had left and it broke her heart.

"I'm sorry."

"Not your fault." They had five minutes before they needed to get back inside but neither of them moved. In fact, they scooted closer to each other.

"I'll see you in a few hours." Lisa whispered and Ms. Kim nodded.

"I can't wait... friend." Ms. Kim teased and Lisa chuckled.

"Me either... friend." Lisa said back.

"We should go inside." Ms. Kim said as she got up and so did Lisa. They managed not to smoke at all and Lisa was proud of herself, even if she was itching to have one. She didn't. They didn't move away from each other and Lisa sucked in a breath.

"Can I hug you?" Lisa breathed out. They had a minute roughly, and Ms. Kim needed to get inside so she could set up her class.

"Yes." Ms. Kim said just as breathlessly and Lisa smiled. Ms. Kim was wearing her usual skirt and blouse and Lisa couldn't wait to wrap her up in her arms. She didn't waste any time. She went straight for it. Lisa was wearing a hoodie and skinny jeans today and she wrapped her arms around Ms. Kim's body. She couldn't stop the sigh that came out of her.

She sighed long and hard. She felt all her weight melt into Ms. Kim's and the teacher wrapped her arms around Lisa. They didn't dance around each other, there wasn't enough time for it. They went for it. They held each other like they would never get the chance to again. Lisa would do anything and everything to make sure she could hold this beautiful teacher again. The bell rung, effectively pulling them apart.

"That was nice." Ms. Kim commented and Lisa agreed.

"It was. I'll see you later." Lisa said with a smile.

Lisa smiled walking down the halls. She greeted her peers until she reached her friends. Her smile faded when she locked eyes with Irene. Lisa immediately felt awkward and suddenly wanted to walk away.

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