Chapter 28

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Lisa wasn't all that happy when they pulled up at Jennie's apartment. They were back in Seoul which meant they would have to hide again. It had her missing Gangnam even more.

"I'll see you tomorrow morning?" Jennie asked, watching Lisa move her bags to her car. 

"I guess so." Lisa frowned sadly. It sucked she couldn't just stay with Jennie, but knew she needed to head home though.

Jennie rubbed the basketball player's back up and down trying to soothe her.

"I'll see you tomorrow." Jennie husked. A shiver went down Lisa's spine. Lisa was absolutely in love with Jennie's voice. She loved that it was soft and sweet at times, but also had that huskiness that drove Lisa crazy.

"Of course, babe." Lisa said turning around to give Jennie a kiss.

"Meet me in my classroom tomorrow morning or come by during your free period." Jennie suggested. Lisa's stomach fluttered in response. She couldn't wait to spend more time with Jennie.

"Okay." Lisa said softly. She leaned down once more to kiss her before backing away.

"I should get going." Lisa said.

It was late. She wasn't sure if her mother would be home or not, but figured she would find out when she got home.

"I'm just a phone call away." Jennie said sweetly. Lisa smiled at her.

"I'll definitely be calling you." Lisa flirted before removing herself reluctantly from Jennie. She gave her one last kiss before getting in her car and driving away.

Lisa's face paled when she spotted her mother's car in the driveway. Normally, she would still be at work. Lisa was nervous getting out of her car. She slowly got her bags out, preparing for the worst. She didn't know how this was going to turn out. She didn't even want to see her mom, but knew it was inevitable.

Lisa walked in holding her breath, closing the door quietly and walking in. When she turned around, her mother was standing there. She looked calm for the most part, which helped put Lisa at ease, however, she was sporting a frown.

"Where have you been?" Chitthip grumbled. Lisa blew out a deep breath, setting her bags down.

"At Rosé's." Lisa lied smoothly, clenching her jaw. She needed to make it believable.

"And you didn't think to call me?" Chitthip cried. Lisa wasn't sure her lie worked or not, but went with it.

"I had nothing to say." Lisa shrugged and she saw her mother frown again.

"I've been trying to give you space. Rosé told me you stayed with her for the weekend. The least you could've done was tell me where you were." Chitthip said.

"I had nothing to say." Lisa repeated.


"Don't call me that!" Lisa said angrily. "You had no right!"

"He's going to hurt you again. I don't know how you can't see it."

"I haven't been able to see it because you've been keeping him from me." Lisa remarked.

"I won't apologize." Chitthip said stubbornly.

"Well you should and until you do, you and I have nothing more to say to each other." Lisa said seriously.

"I'm still your mother." Chitthip reminded her. Lisa bent down to pick her bags off the floor.

"Okay, I respect that. I'm going upstairs to shower. I need to go to bed." Lisa muttered. She was exhausted and very full from dinner with Jennie. She didn't want to talk to her mother anymore about this. She just wanted to sleep.

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