Chapter 31

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Lisa woke up to someone licking her neck. Lisa popped one eye opened, and then the next. Lisa squinted as the sun was shining through the curtains. She had thought she was dreaming, but when she opened her eyes again, Jennie was hovering above her.

"Good morning, my beautiful babe." Jennie cooed, a bashful smile on her face. Lisa smiled before she leaned up to kiss her.

"Can't we just stay in bed all day?" Lisa asked pulling away.

"We have to be at school in an hour. You need to get up." Jennie informed her.

Lisa pulled Jennie in for another kiss, slowly slipping her tongue in. Lisa let out a whine, when Jennie's tongue caressed hers.

"Can you suck my dick?" Lisa whispered between her lips, her face heating up at the thought.

"You want me to suck your dick?" Jennie asked pulling away from Lisa's lips. Jennie ran her hands up and down her sides, before cupping Lisa's bulge.

"Yes! It's all I can think about." Lisa whimpered laying down on her back.

Jennie started planting sloppy kisses down Lisa's chest, working her way down to Lisa's toned abs as Lisa lifted her hips. Lisa pulled her boxers down, and Jennie grabbed the base of her dick. Lisa moaned feeling Jennie's breath tickling her hips. The brunette was getting ready to wrap her lips around the head of Lisa's dick, when they heard a buzzing sound.

"Was that your phone?" Jennie asked looking around the room. Lisa's eyes widened before quickly throwing the covers off rushing to her phone, she saw a bunch of missed phones calls from her mom.

"Oh, my god!" Lisa exclaimed. "She's going to kill me!"

"Is it your mom?" Jennie cringed looking at the basketball player.

"Yes! I'm so dead!" Lisa whined as Jennie got up.

"Call her back. I'll go make breakfast." Jennie said. She kissed Lisa on the cheek and walked out the door.

Lisa stared down in horror, like her mother would come jumping straight out of the phone. Lisa's heart thudded in her chest when she called her mother back.

"Hey, mom." Lisa breathed out casually.

"Where have you been?!" Chitthip yelled into the phone. Lisa winced, taking the phone away from her ear for a second.

"At Rosé's." Lisa lied.

"Oh, really? Because I called Rosé last night and she said you weren't with her." Lisa's eyes widened, realizing she didn't have an alibi. There was no point in trying to lie to her mother now.

"Fine," Lisa sighed heavily. "I'm with my girl."

"You've lost your mind, child," Chitthip gritted in the phone. "First, staying out all night with a girl and second, for not calling. I don't give a damn if you're upset with me. I was worried sick when you didn't come home and then not answering your messages! You better be home tonight or else I am grounding you for the rest of your life!"

Lisa was stunned into silence, swallowing hard. She nodded her head dumbly to what her mother was saying.

"Okay, I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I'll be home tonight." Lisa promised.

"You better. Have a good day at school, I love you. I want to meet the girl that has you out all night."

"Yeah, you will soon," Lisa cringed knowing she was lying to her mother. "I love you too. I'm sorry." Lisa said before hanging up.

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