Chapter 14

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A/N: Next update will be the first M chapter 

When Monday rolled around, Lisa was nervous. They would be in a professional setting now and all formalities were being thrown out the window. Lisa didn't stall when she got out of her car, she wanted to see the teacher because she was so confused. It was starting to get chilly out and Lisa wondered what would happen when winter hit.

Lisa steadily walked up to the teacher and she sat down. Today didn't look like it was going to be very sunny. There were storm clouds over them and Lisa sat down next to the art teacher.

Ms. Kim would usually greet her. She remembered when she got her boner and the morning after, the teacher still made her feel comfortable. Lisa didn't feel comfortable right now and she couldn't for the life of her figure out why she couldn't just get up and leave. Ms. Kim barely looked at her and Lisa was seriously contemplating leaving.

She knew she just sat down, but what was the point? Maybe she should leave. She gathered up her stuff and she was getting ready to get up when Ms. Kim stopped her. She didn't say anything. She placed her hand softly on top of Lisa's arm, but strong enough to keep her in place.

Ms. Kim was looking at her with pleading eyes. Lisa nodded and stayed where she was. She didn't know how today would turn out but at least Ms. Kim didn't want her to leave.

They sat there in absolute silence and Lisa drew her knees up to her chest. She was wearing her normal skinny jeans attire and Ms. Kim was wearing her normal skirt attire. They just sat there side by side and Lisa wondered if she should say anything.

Was there even anything to be said? How do you talk to a teacher you thoroughly kissed at their apartment? Lisa found that she wanted to do it again and knew that this was a problem. So, she didn't say anything. She stayed until the morning bell rung and they had to go.

Lisa wanted to hug the teacher but thought otherwise. She gathered her stuff up as Ms. Kim brushed herself off. Lisa didn't want a cigarette. She didn't think that there was anything better than Ms. Kim's lips and now that she got a taste of them, it beat cigarettes by a million miles.

Lisa sighed heavily as she watched the teacher walk inside. She listened to the click-clack of her heels and followed her inside. They didn't say anything as they went their separate ways.

Lisa was moping around the halls. It was her free period and didn't know if she should go bother Ms. Kim. Her mind and feet knew what she wanted but her heart was telling her to stay back and leave the teacher alone. She didn't listen to herself. She made a selfish move and walked down the art hall. Her only destination was Ms. Kim's room. Her only destination was Ms. Kim.

Ms. Kim didn't see her approaching and her door was open. She was cleaning up around the room when she turned around and saw Lisa. Lisa saw her face pale and Lisa thought maybe she should leave.

Ms. Kim gathered herself respectfully and continued to clean the room. Lisa knew if Ms. Kim didn't want her here, she would say so. She didn't say anything so Lisa stepped inside and closed the door behind her. Lisa didn't say anything as she walked over to Ms. Kim.

She was taking slow, deliberate steps to her. Lisa wasn't sure what her motive was but wanted to be near the teacher and caught a whiff of her cinnamon smell as she walked by her. Ms. Kim didn't stop even though Lisa was right by her. Ms. Kim didn't even look at her and Lisa sighed. The tension in the room was so thick and Lisa turned around to the teacher.

"Jennie." Lisa said softly. She heard something drop to the floor, maybe a paintbrush or her heart. She wasn't sure. Jennie turned around quickly.

"Don't call me that." She said through gritted teeth.

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