Chapter 39

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"Are you crazy? Are you out of your mind? What the hell are you thinking?" Jennie cringed, as Chahee's voice got higher. The questions were coming at a rapid pace, and Jennie was having a hard time trying to answer them.


"This isn't good! This is terrible! If anyone and I do mean anyone, were to find out about this, your whole reputation would be ruined." Chahee was biting her nails, vigorously shaking her head and kept going off on a tangent.

It was starting to stress Jennie out. The mood in the kitchen immediately shifted and Jennie hated it. Chahee was barely making eye contact and she kept muttering things under her breath.

Jennie didn't know what to expect after telling Chahee, but the way Chahee was pacing back and forth, was making Jennie panic.

"Chahee, please stop!" Jennie shouted, finally catching Chahee's attention. Chahee stopped pacing, squinting her eyes at Jennie.

"You could lose your position, Jennie. You could go to jail! What the hell?" Chahee screeched. Jennie winced because she should've been expecting this. Jennie could see how upset Chahee was and sighed.

"I don't know and I fought like hell to try and stop it-"

"You shouldn't have even started it in the first place." Chahee interrupted Jennie, throwing a pointed look her way.

"I couldn't stop it!" Jennie defended herself.

"You didn't try hard enough!" Chahee shouted back. They've had a lot of arguments before, but Jennie knew this was going to be the worst one.

"Because I didn't want to, Chahee." Jennie responded quietly.

Chahee let out a deep sigh, resting her hands against the counter. Jennie took a sip of her wine before walking over to her.

"I don't know what to do and I don't want to end things. I want to become the boss, but I don't want anyone finding out about Lisa. It's all so confusing and I just needed to tell you." Jennie murmured behind her. She placed a soft hand on Chahee's shoulder, gently turning her around.

Chahee was still trying to search for a sign that Jennie was lying, but Jennie didn't break eye contact at all.

"It's been going on this whole time? When she came to Gangnam too?" Chahee asked with a disappointed look.

"Yes," Jennie confessed which made Chahee jerk away from her. "Chahee, I'm sorry I didn't tell you!"

"How exactly do you think this is going to work out, Jennie?" Chahee narrowed her eyes at her. "You think you can become boss and not have the paparazzi find things out about you? They already have! If they find out about this, you'll be fired and then what? Would it really all be worth it?"

Jennie couldn't lie. She knew what Chahee was saying was true. There were many things on the line right now and Jennie had never been so confused. She had no idea how this whole thing would turn out and her head hurt even thinking about it. She just wanted to be somewhere far away, with Lisa.

"Does your mom know? Did Jiyoung-"

Jennie winced at her father's name. There wasn't a day that had gone by where she didn't think about him. She knew it would never get easier and if she was being honest, it was only getting harder without him around. She couldn't stop the ache in her heart and by the guilty look on Chahee's face, she knew exactly what Jennie was thinking.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have-"

"No, it's okay," Jennie cut her off. "He knew how special she is to me, but he never questioned her age because he thought she was the same age as me. It was nice not having to hide around him and just be with her. I can't do that anywhere else."

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