Chapter 15 [M]

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A/N: First M chapter 

The only person that knew she stored condoms in the glove compartment of her car was Rosé. Lisa hated that she shoved some in the pocket of her basketball shorts as she arrived at Jennie's apartment and she was hoping that she could take a shower at Jennie's because she needed one.

Lisa walked up the stairs to Jennie's apartment and knocked on the door. She had her gym bag that had the extra clothes in it on her shoulder. Jennie answered the door wearing what she was at school. She had a shy expression on her face and Lisa smiled. She wordlessly walked in and Jennie closed the door behind her.

"Can I take a shower?" Lisa asked immediately and Jennie nodded. They walked to the hall bathroom and Jennie gave her the things she needed to shower. Jennie was getting ready to turn around when Lisa caught her by the wrist.

"Are you okay?" Lisa asked quietly and Jennie nodded.

"Just hurry." Jennie said and Lisa nodded.

She forgot to pack compression shorts again because she thought she was going straight home. Lisa didn't know if she really cared or not.

Jennie had ordered Chinese food while she was in the shower. They ate on Jennie's bed and Lisa didn't know what to talk about. She was glad that the teacher told her to come over. She really wanted to see her but Jennie wasn't talking to her. She just ate her dinner and Lisa sat beside her.

When they were done, Jennie took their plates to the kitchen and came back in the room. Jennie turned the TV one and they crawled under the covers with each other. Jennie scooted over to Lisa and rested against her.

"Thank you for coming." Jennie said quietly and Lisa nodded.

"Of course."

"I wanted to see you." Jennie explained and Lisa nodded again.

"Me too." She admitted. They watched TV for a few minutes. It was eerily quiet in Jennie's room and Lisa kept her hands to herself. She felt like her heart was going combust when Jennie spoke again.

"I want you too." Jennie whispered and Lisa blew out a breath. Lisa looked over at Jennie and noticed how her expression was dark and wanting. Lisa looked down to Jennie's lips before she looked into her eyes. She knew that look. She was sure she had the same look on her face and didn't think she had ever wanted someone so much.

"Jennie.." Lisa breathed.

"Lisa.." Jennie breathed back. Lisa knew what could possibly happen tonight and by the look on Jennie's expression, she knew too. Jennie placed a hand on her thigh and rubbed it up and down.

"I want to," Jennie said simply and batted her eyelashes at her. "God, Lisa. I want you. I think that if we do this, like get it out of our systems. We'd be good." Jennie nodded to herself as if trying to convince herself more than Lisa.

"Like a one time thing? Like a one night stand?" Lisa asked and Jennie shrugged.

"Something like that."

"To get it out of our systems?" Lisa asked to clarify and Jennie nodded. Lisa's breathing picked up just at the mere thought of being somewhat intimate with the woman.

"Is that okay?" Jennie asked and Lisa glanced away. She knew that this couldn't happen for real. They couldn't be in a relationship while Jennie was a teacher at her high school. It just couldn't happen and Lisa knew this. It was the most logical thing to do. It was clear that they couldn't deny their attraction to each other anymore so maybe they should do this once to get it out of their systems.

"Yes, Jennie. It's totally fine." Lisa said and a part of her meant it. She wanted this, that much was obvious. She didn't know at what cost though. She didn't know what would come of this but by the gods, she wanted it. She wanted Jennie and would stop at absolutely nothing to get her. So, if this was going to be a one time thing then Lisa wasn't going to hold back.

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