Chapter 26 [M]

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After they ate their breakfast, Lisa walked around the counter to give Jennie a hug. Jennie buried her head in Lisa's neck without saying a word. There were many unspoken things lingering between them and Lisa wasn't sure when or if they'd talk about it.

Lisa pulled away from the hug, and leaned down to kiss Jennie softly. It was longer than Lisa intended, but she couldn't move away from Jennie's lips. She didn't even think a bullet heading towards her would stop her from kissing Jennie.

Lisa smirked as she flipped the table on Jennie. She captured her bottom lip in her mouth and sucked. Jennie let out a loud moan as Lisa sucked harder. Jennie trailed her hands down Lisa's back and cupped her butt making Lisa whimper into the kiss. She supposed she deserved that as it was usually the other way around with Jennie sucking the lip and Lisa grabbing the butt. Lisa was enjoying the role reverse though. She didn't allow herself to think about her feelings, instead focusing on kissing Jennie. Jennie squeezed her butt once more before she pulled away.

"Easy there, Romeo. We have to go." Jennie said in a daze.

Lisa smirked, but respectfully backed away.

Lisa waited by the door as Jennie gathered the things she would need. They left her penthouse, hand in hand.

Lisa wasn't used to all the people that brushed past her as she made her way down the street with Jennie. Jennie guided Lisa through the crowd like it was nothing. Like she was used to it which she probably was. She knew exactly where to go and how to squeeze past people.

They stopped at a tall building, with the logo: Arkadia Inc. in the middle of all the chaos. Lisa heard Jennie sigh and looked back at her.

"You ready?" Lisa asked softly. Jennie let out a grin and Lisa had her answer.

"Yes!" Jennie cried softly tugging on Lisa's hand making their way inside.

Lisa was ready. She couldn't wait to see Jennie in action. She was already turned on with the dress Jennie was wearing. She looked so good and Lisa couldn't wait to see her boss people around.

Jennie felt like she was floating on cloud nine. She was getting ready to walk into her company's building after months of being away. This was her heaven. This was the reason she kept going. Her family and her company. There was someone else that kept her going too and that person was holding her hand.

Jennie shook her head, pulling herself out of her thoughts and pulled Lisa with her as she walked inside.

The doors were unlocked, but all the lights were off.

"Is anyone here?" Lisa asked quietly, but Jennie was already looking around in confusion as she closed the door behind her.

"I don't kn-"

"Surprise!" Jennie let out a scream. She turned around in surprise as she was met with her crew.

It was Saturday, so not everyone was here, but the people who mattered and who she saw everyday were. Jennie let out an excited squeal when the lights turned on. The first person she saw was Chahee and immediately rushed over to the brunette.

Chahee had her arms out waiting as Jennie fell in them. Jennie sighed as Chahee squeezed her tightly.

"I missed you so much." Chahee said seriously. Jennie nodded because she felt the same. She had spent everyday with her assistant. She had been there through it all and it sucked she had to leave, but Chahee understood.

"You look good!" Chahee praised. Jennie gave her a little twirl, which had both girls giggling. She was wearing a black and white dress with heels.

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