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Getting ready for my first date was a bit overwhelming, I never thought I would be going out on a date. Didn’t even think I would find a guy who would be interested in me. Dylan was something else through, I haven’t met many guys like him.

Didn’t even think any guy would be into me, much less ask me out on a date. I looked in the mirror, I was way underdressed. I think it was too causal, but Dylan had told me to dress causal. My dark blue jeans and my light grey shirt, were too simple for this date. They just had to be too simple, I should change again before Dylan got here.

I looked through my clothes again, trying to find something less casual. Nothing I saw was good, maybe it wasn’t too late to call and cancel. I grabbed my phone when I heard a knock on my door.

“Hey Raul your date is here,” Shannon my roommate said as she came into my room. “What are you doing?”

“I was trying to find something else to wear and then when I couldn’t I was going to call Dylan to cancel our date.”

“Well sorry to tell you it’s a little too late for that, but don’t worry you look great. Also Valeria said to make sure you went on this date. We have been roommates for a few months and you haven’t been on one date. So unless you want Valeria all up in your face, you get your butt out of here and go on that date, with that gorgeous man out there waiting for you.” She pushed me out of my room and followed me until I went to the living room, where Dylan was waiting.

“Hey,” He smiled as he looked at me, he was dressed in jeans and a t-shirt. Now I wasn’t feeling so underdressed, “Are you ready to go?”

“Um yeah, I’m ready.” Dylan opened the door and waited for me to walk out first.

“You have fun now, and Dylan don’t bring him home too early now!” Shannon yelled as Dylan shut the door behind us. She was just reminding me why I never went on a date.

“Since this is our first date I was thinking a nice dinner and a walk through Portland Japanese garden be nice.” Dylan said as we entered the elevator.

“Sounds great,” he took me to a café not far from where I lived. It was a nice cozy place, just perfect for a first date. We ordered our meal, “So Dylan what do you do?”

“I work as an IT tech and it’s an alright job.”

“Wow I didn’t know I was going out with an older guy!” I gasped and Dylan laughed.

“Yeah I didn’t think you would go out with someone who was twenty-five. You know since you’re eighteen and probably didn’t want some creepy old guy.”

“Well you’re not that old and you the first guy I have ever dated, so you will be my first everything.” He laughed again.

“I just can’t believe you have never been on a date, but I do feel honored to be your first date. Even if it means there is more pressure to make it great.”

“Well I am enjoying myself so far, so you’re doing a great job so far.” I smiled at him as the waitress came with our food. We ate our food and headed over toPortland Japanese garden.

“So your roommate seems really nice,” I laughed, god I really had to have the roommates that would make things awkward. We walked through the garden, “So I have to ask, you live with two women, how is that like?”

“Um it’s okay, that is until they decide to have like super loud sex.” Dylan looked at me, and I chuckled. “My roommates date, they have been together since their junior year in high school.”

“Oh okay,” he chuckled. “How is it to live with them?”

“You know I like it, they are older than me and it’s like having two older sisters, who like to make out with each other.” Dylan chuckled, “Even though they like to butt into my life, I know they mean well.”

“So how did that happen, you living with them if they are older than you?”

“Well I was living with my aunt and uncle while I was in my last year of high school. I was going to go to college here in Portland, but at the same time I didn’t want to stay in the dorms and end up with a homophobic roommate. I also didn’t want to stay with my aunt and uncle, I already felt like I was overstaying my stay there. So I started looking for rooms for rent or people looking for roommates. I came across Shannon and Valeria’s ad, at first they thought I was just some creepy guy that wanted to live with two women, but I told them my story and they choose me.”

“How long have you lived with them?”

“Three months, I moved in when I finished High school.”

“Ah so your just about to start your freshmen year in college then?” I nodded my head. “So Raul, what are you going for or are you like many freshmen and are undecided?”

“No I actually know what I’m going to do, I want to be a registered nurse.”

“Why not a doctor?”

“My mom was a registered nurse and I think being a nurse is better.” He smiled at me.

“What happened to your mom, if you want to tell me, of course?”

“She was killed by a drunk driver when I was thirteen and before you ask, I don’t have anything to do with my dad. When I told him I’m gay, he kicked me out and I haven’t seen him since then.”

“Well I’m sorry to hear that, but it seems like you turn out fine without him.”

“Thanks, what about your parents?”

“My dad died when I was ten, so it’s just been me, my brother and mom.”

“How did your dad die, if you don’t mind me asking?”

“It’s fine, that’s the point of a first date, to get to know each other.” I smiled at him, “My dad was a Marine and he was killed in action. Also at the moment I am thinking of joining, my desk job as an IT tech isn’t as great as I thought.”

“What about the risk of getting hurt or killed?”

“I know the risk is there, but it’s an honorable thing to do. Would it bother you if I did join?”

“This is just our first date, it’s not like you’re my boyfriend. I really have no say in what you do with your life.” We stopped on the bridge and looked at each other.

“Well what would you say if I said I wanted you to be my boyfriend?”

“I would say ask me on our third date,” he smiled.

“Well then, Raul will you like to go out with me again?” he asked as he reached for my hand.

“I would love that,” I smiled at him as he leaned down and kissed my hand. I could feel myself already falling for him.  

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