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"Haha, Severide stop! We're going to be late for shift!" Stella laughed and pushed Severide off of her body. "Awh come on, we can say the traffic was bad." Severide said. He knocked Stella back onto their bed and moved her curly hair so he could see her gorgeous eyes. "Kelly please, I don't feel well and if I'm ill I don't want to make you sick as well. Besides, Boden's on another fad diet! You know how angry he gets!" She said with a small tone of anger in her voice. Stella rolled away from under Severide and put her cameo coat over her Firehouse 51 uniform. She walked to the mirror and brushed her long hair carefully making sure there weren't any bumps and sealed it in a tight, low ponytail like usual. Severide looked up, lost for words, blinded by her beauty. "You missed your mug!" Stella yelled. Severide's eyes darted down, there was coffee all over the table. He reached for a cloth and began to clean it up. "What were you looking at anyway?" Stella wondered. "Um, er nothing" he said back quickly, clearly panicked. He put the cloth in the washing machine and then locked their apartment, he chased after her down the stairs but he could sense something was up. Stella was walking down the stairs, she would usually run at pace while Severide raced to catch up to her. "Hey, you sure you're feeling okay?" he asked with concern. "Don't worry about me, we're going to be late!" she quickly answered back.

Slam! Kelly locked his grey mustang outside the firehouse. Stella was already inside, she didn't want to be late to the morning meeting. "Ah, Severide, you finally decided to join us." said Chief Boden. The other firefighters and paramedics exchanged laughter but soon quietened down. After a quick talk about the truck inventory Boden dismissed everyone. Stella grabbed Sylvie by the hand, "Hey Brett, I need to talk to you, in private." She pulled Sylvie into the bathroom and then shut the door behind them and whispered in Sylvies ear "I think I'm pregnant... I've been all achy and throwing up for weeks, Severide's starting to notice something's up." Brett looked confused and conflicted, "Do you have a test?" Stella reached for her pocket and pulled out a pregnancy test. Her hands shook nervously as she opened it. She opened a toilet door and sat down taking a big sigh of nervousness. 2 minutes passed. Sylvie was perched up on top of the sinks when Stella came out. Sylvie jumped down and set a timer, she comforted her friend. Stella was shaking so much Brett had to hold her to calm her down. Beep! The phone started vibrating vigorously. Slowly Stella turned the test over. Her eyes widened, tears started falling from her eyes. "Omg, omg! I- I'm pregnant.." She turned to Brett who was already reaching in for a hug. "It's ok Stella, but I think you should tell Severide.. Who knows what kind of emergencies we'll have to face today.." Stella nodded shyly, she put the test in some tissue and then slipped it into her pocket.

Severide and the other members of Firehouse 51 were just chilling in the common room- Mouch was resting in his spot on the sofa, Hermann and Otis were debating new ideas for Molly's and Severide, Cruz and Casey were just being goofballs like usual. Stella and Sylvie waltzed in, "Kelly, we need to talk.." Severide sat up, "Why?" Stella stumbled over her words, Sylvie butted in, "Please Kelly, it's urgent!" Stella took him by the arm and walked him into a private room. "I'm pregnant!" Then the speaker went off, "Engine 51, Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61, Battalion 25." Stella ran off to Truck 81, Severide tried to catch her but he couldn't. He hopped on and slammed the door of Squad 3 and all the engines raced off to the fire. "Hey Lieutenant, you alright?", Cruz asked with concern, he could see something was up as Severide had his head in his hands. Severide shrugged his shoulders, he didn't know if he was ok or not. Firehouse 51 was first on the scene, Stella glanced over to Kelly but then turned her head back awaiting orders from Casey. Everyone looked up, people were screaming and shouting waiting to be rescued. "Talk about a towering inferno!" Otis chuckled nervously. 

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