What baby?

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A/N - upload schedule: I'm going to be posting every Wednesday and Sunday! Also, right now I'm working on part 7 so if after part 6 I don't upload for a while its because I'm writing, sorry!  

"It's Stella... Kidd, she took in a lot of smoke." Brett weeped as they wheeled Stella into Med. "Ok we got her." Said Doctor Choi. Everyone turned to comfort each other, Casey put his hand on Kelly's shoulder but he shrugged it off, "How did you let this happen? You're supposed to have her back Hermann!" he shouted before storming off and punching the wall. Choi sealed the curtain shut so he could attend to Stella in peace, he hooked her up to the ventilator to help her breathe. Stella started to wake, her vision was blurry but she could make the shape of Severide waiting outside. She could see the shape of his muscular body, within a split second Stella was coughing and spitting up blood, everything went blurry again and then it went black. Beep! Alarms starting blaring again, "She's bleeding in her airway!" Choi yelled. He started to suction the blood but it kept coming. While ordering a chest x-ray he informed Firehouse 51 with the news that Stella was in a really bad condition. "Woah, she's got a massive hemorrhage in her right lung, there's so much blood it's hard to locate where the bleed started." Dr Rhodes said confidently. Kelly started to whimper, "What does that mean?" Rhodes explained Stella needed surgery to remove her lung, obviously Kelly would never allow that but Med couldn't contact her family so the decision was up to the hospital. "You can't do this, being a firefighter is the only thing Stella cares about! An- and what about the baby?!" Rhodes looked at Kidd then glanced back to Severide, he was confused, "What baby?" The other firefighters were still at the door listening in, they exchanged confused looks, no one knew that Stella was pregnant. "Please, don't do this! Don't hurt the baby, please!" Kelly cried glancing at Stella hooked up to all of the machines.

Severide glanced up to the sky, he couldn't lose Stella, not after losing Shay. "Kelly." April came out and sat down with him, "They shouldn't have kicked you out." She shook her head. "All I care about is Stella, she loves what she does April. They can't just take that away from her." He sniffled then looked at the floor. "But we can't reach her family so it's up to the doctors." "But they don't know her, or the baby!" Now Kelly's face was dripping with tears, he never had a chance this morning to talk about the baby with Stella. Severide thought there was nothing he or April could do to stop Rhodes from removing Stellas lung, or was there... "There might be one more thing we could try..." April explained.

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