Are you sure we need all these nappies??

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"You ready to go?" Kelly asked, he was itching to get to their 36 week ultrasound- their last ultrasound before Blaze was born. "Almost... can you help me get my shoes on please?" Kelly chuckled. He had always found it funny at how frustrated Stella got when she couldn't see her feet, she constantly made him take pictures of them to keep her from getting paranoid as if they weren't there.


"I can't believe it's a few more weeks before B comes into the world!" Severide exclaimed as they were called into their appointment. "I know, I can't wait! I love her so much already!" Stella squealed as she lay on the bed. 5 minutes later Natalie came into the room, "Alright Stella, you know the drill by now. Lets look at miss Blaze." Nat moved the wand around Stella's stomach showing them that Blaze was perfectly healthy. "Wow, veryyyy strong heartbeat!" Stella and Kelly smiled as a loud wup-wup sound came out the machine. "Now she's on the bigger side so I have a feeling you won't make it to your due date-" "Is that a good thing?" "Of course, everything is developed so even if Blaze came out today she'd be fine!" "Ok then... she is not coming out today though!"


"Brett, I swear if this is a baby shower-" "SUPRIZE" Stella shook her head as Brett led her into Molly's. "How'd you figure it out?" "Well 1. Brett is a terrible secret keeper and 2. I haven't been to Molly's in ages so forcing me here was pretty suspicious." "Brettttt!" Hermann yelled. Sylvies face turned a deep shade of red as she apologised.

Hours went by as the members of 51, intelligence and Med gave Stella and Kelly a variety of baby gifts. "Cindy, are you sure we need all these nappies?" Stella asked, eyebrows raised. Cindy quickly nodded, "Trust me, I have 5 kids! 6 if you include Christopher..." Hermann snorted, "I'm not thatttt bad-" "You are!" She muttered as Hermann wandered over to where Brett and Casey were standing lost in each other's eyes. Cindy turned back around, "So those 2 are finally together!?" "They most certainly are!" Stella squealed. "Haha"

"Wow... we have SO much stuff now!" Stella exclaimed as her and Kelly climbed into bed later that night. "I know, Blaze has such a nice family waiting for her." Kelly said tiredly as he wrapped his arms around Stella. "I love you Kelly," she looked down at her belly, "and I love you Blaze." She muttered as sleep took over both of their bodies.

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