You guys are at Med way too often...

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A/N 1k reads omg thankyouuuuuuuu!!

This part and the next part are gunna be focused on Brett (bc who doesn't love Brett)

"Just keep driving, I sedated him..." "I'll stop-" Brett quickly interrupted, "No! I've already patched myself up, just keep driving!" And so Stella did, she kept driving.

"Go to trauma 2- Woah, what happened to you guys?" Maggie was at the door of the ED, she quickly noticed the gauze on Brett's arm. "Patient got a little violent..." "No kidding!" Sylvie was looking a little pale as she spoke "16 year old male, broken leg, we sedated him and his name's Michael.." Stella put her arm round Brett's waist, "Sylvie, you need to sit down..." "I- I'm fine..." With a crash Brett fell to the floor, a small pool of blood started to form around her arm. "I need a doctor!"

"Sylvie?" Maggie stroked Brett's cheek, "Can you hear me?" "Looks like shes waking up." Stella squeezed Sylvie's hand, she was a lot paler than usual but that was just from blood loss. Tears formed in the rims of her eyes, Kidd looked at the ceiling as she had only stopped crying about a minute ago. "Stella..." Sylvie held Kidd's hand causing her to zone in. "Hey! I told you I would pull over!" "And I'm the PIC who's partnered with a 4 month pregnant woman!" They both chuckled, Brett still sounded groggy as she said "Is anyone in the waiting room?" "Of course! Everyone's here, you should know that, we take way too may trips to Med..." "Can you get Casey for me?" Kidd looked surprised, she thought Brett would ask for Cruz but then she had noticed that Brett and Casey were spending a lot more time together.

All the members of 51 stood up as soon as Stella strolled into the waiting room, "Brett's fine, they're keeping her overnight just to be safe. Uh, Casey, she wants to see you." Casey nodded, it looked like he had been crying. Stella hugged Kelly, he put his hands on Stella's bump "Hi Bl-" Stella gritted her teeth, "Kelly! We're around people..." He mouthed "Sorry!" as Stella walked back to Brett's room. She stuttered, Brett and Casey were kissing! "Ok, since when were you two a thing?!" Matt pulled himself off of Sylvie's bed, "Since a month ago..." "Brett! You didn't tell me!" Brett rolled her eyes, "You didn't need to know, we're taking things slow..." Stella scoffed, "Sure... Anyway while you were asleep I called Dr. Manning to see if I could my appointment in here since you were so keen to come." Sylvie's face lit up with exictement as she saw Manning knocking on the door. "Thought I'd join the party!" She said as she and Casey hoisted Stella up onto Brett's bed "Let's see how- wait before I spoil anything do these 2 know the gender of the baby?" "Nope, only me and Kelly..." Brett sighed as she gave Kidd the puppy-dog eyes. "Don't worry Sylvie, we thought of the coolest way to reveal the gender to everyone-uh! I think you pressed on my scar!" Manning quickly wiped some of the gel of her scar, "Yep, sorry Stella! Anyway, baby looks fine but your blood pressure is a little high, could be stress but who knows.. I'll need you to stay a little longer so I can check." Natalie closed the door as she left, Casey left a little later to tell Boden to put the rigs back in service. "Told you that you didn't need to come to the appointment.. it wasn't that exicting." Stella put Brett's good arm on her belly, she chuckled as Blaze kicked them.

A/N Just saying I ship Brettsey (don't come for meeee) so they're together in my story!

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