She's awake

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"Kelly.." Severide's eyes shot up to April's face, "..she's awake, wants to see you." Kelly walked in and saw Stella in a hospital bed. He smiled, she looked perky like she normally did. "Stopppp!" Stella noticed him staring at her, it made her feel a little insecure. He kissed her on the forehead. April started walking out, "Oh April, can someone do an ultrasound.." He looked into Stella's eyes and held her hand, "..I want to see our baby." "I'll page Dr Rhodes." She left to try and find him leaving the two lovebirds alone. "I'm so glad you're back!" "Of course, I wasn't going anywhere!" Just as they started kissing Connor came in, he had an ultrasound machine with him. He explained that there was a chance Stella lost the baby during the surgery as it was so complicated but they already knew that. Stella lifted the blanket and her gown revealing her belly, she was right about what she saw earlier, she had a small, circular bump. Connor squirted a cold gel onto Stella's belly, he pressed the probe on her. Kelly's puppy-dog eyes looked at the monitor and then down to Stella, she was crying as well. Clearly shown on the monitor was a baby, "Look at their little head" Stella whimpered. "Stella, you're around 10 weeks and at this point I can't tell what the baby's gender is but because of your condition and your injury I'm going to keep you here for observation." Connor was ecstatic, he had saved two lives today. Kelly glanced at Kidd willingly, "I'm glad you're both ok!" Severide reached in and hugged Stella tightly. "I'll leave you two alone." Rhodes said as he dragged the machine away. "Their so pretty, just like you!" Severide's soft voice then said "How long have you known?" "Well, recently I've been kind of ill and in the back of my mind I guess I always knew." Severide put his hand on Stella's belly, he moved it up towards her face, "Aah, sorry Kelly that's on my scar!" "Oop, sorry!" Kelly quickly edged his hand away, "Uh, do you want anyone to come in and see you?" "Not at the moment, I like our alone time.." Stella tried to sit up but failed wincing in pain "Kelly does anyone else from the firehouse besides Brett know i'm pregnant?" "Oh, i've been meaning to talk to you about that. I accidently di-" "Kellyyyyyyy!" "What, Rhodes was going to remove your lung, I thought you'd lose the baby!" Stella raised her eyebrow, she chuckled "God you're so cute! Is it ok if I rest a bit, I'm super tired!" 

A/N If some of this doesn't make sense it's because this part randomly got deleted (oh no) so I had to try and write it out again! Also, thank you for 500 reads!!

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