Bad calls

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A/N This bit is kinda long!! If anyone wants like a recap or something with the Brett situation I can do that as I've had an idea for it for a couple of weeks (basically how she handles everything) so tell me in the comments!! 


"Maggie!" Stella signalled for her as she tried to calm Brett down, Brett was hyperventilating with tears flooding down her pale cheeks. "Hey Sylvie, look at me! You're okay, its me Stella!" "What happened?" "I have no idea- I just turned around... I think she's having a panic attack..." Maggie took Brett's hands "Sylvie, look at me. Slow breaths, like mine. In... out... in... out... good..."  Stella mouthed 'I'm going to call Casey'  to Maggie who nodded. 

Casey's phone started to ring just as Squad returned to 51. "Everything okay Kidd?" "Captain you've got to get to Med, Brett's having a panic attack!" Matt's eyes widened "W- what... what happened?" "I'm not sure, Maggie's with her now trying to calm her down." Stella's voice was now a whisper "Something definitely happened on that call..." "Er, okay... I'll tell Chief and whats happening. I'll be there as soon as I can!" "Okay Captain!" Matt then slammed his phone on the table startling everyone around him, "What's wrong, Captain?" "That was Kidd, she said Brett had a panic attack at their last call..." He rushed away down the hallway to Boden's office with anger, he didn't know what happened on that call but boy he was going to find out... "Chief, I need to get to Med, now!" "Why, did something happen?" "I just got a call from Kidd, she said Brett had a panic attack on their last call!" Boden dropped the files in his hands onto his desk "Loads all the rigs, i'll take the firehouse out of service."


*12 hours later*

"That was Casey." Severide sat down next to Stella on their couch, "He said that something really traumatic triggered Brett's panic attack. You'll have a floater with you on 61 for the next 2 shifts." Stella snuggled into his warm chest and turned Netflix on "I feel so bad for Sylvie, I can't believe she kept all those things bottled up inside of her for all these years... who would've thought she'd say to Mill- or whatever he was called to let a man die... that's not the Sylvie we know." "That's probably why she kept it all to herself... she was probably angry considering what the other guy started to do to her..." "Yeah... we shouldn't worry too much, she's with Casey, he'll help her probably better than we will." Kelly nodded as he ran his fingers through Stella's curly hair. "What movie should we watch? Pick one quickly, Blaze is going crazy in here!" "She's probably tired off you!" Severide lent down and kissed Stella's bump, "Don't worry Blaze, you'll get used to your mother some day..." "Uh, rude!"

Stella's eyes peeled open as the ending credits of Divergent were playing. "Why didn't you wake me?" she yawned. "You looked so peaceful, didn't want you getting angry with me!" "Who knew the great Kelly Severide could be sweet!" Kelly rolled his eyes, he picked Stella up in his arms "Come on, let's go to bed." "You realise that soon I'll be way to heavy for you to carry me..." "Nonsense, the 'great Kelly Severide' is veryyy strong!" Kelly jogged playfully making Stella cling onto him tightly "Don't drop me down!" Plop! "What did I just say to you!" "Nothing!" Stella scoffed as she moved her and Kelly's hands onto her bump. "Is their any bad calls you've had that you want to talk about?" "Well there is one I guess." Stella felt Severide tense up, she had a feeling that she knew what or who this was about "It was a couple of months after my best friend Shay died... we were called to a gas leak at this factory, there were a lot of victims, so many that we had to transport them in Squad and Truck, not just Ambo. We all arrive at Med and take the into the ED, just as we start to leave this guy stands on a chair and shouts something about an infection in this grenade he's holding... the next thing I remember is visions of Shay- memories of her, then I wake up with Dr Halstead explaining that I tackled the guy with the grenade and got loads of shrapnel stuck in me!" Kelly now had tears in his eyes, "I can't believe that soon it will be 5 years since she died, I miss her so much!" Stella looked up at him with a sad smile, "I think we should name Blaze after Shay- her middle name I mean. I know how much Shay meant to you, plus Blaze Shay Severide has a ring to it." Kelly tried to smile through the tears in his eyes, "You'd really do that, you didn't even know Shay... why?" "Kelly, you don't watch videos of people years after they die unless you really miss them. Shay clearly meant a lot to you! Plus, Casey's always telling me he hasn't seen you as happy with anyone since she died but me!" Kelly pulled her up into his chest "Thank you Stella! Now, do you have any rough calls you want to talk about?" "I have a few actually..." "Really?" "Yep..." Stella looked down at her feet even though she couldn't really see them "You remember when we were all held hostage and you found me in the bathroom..." Kelly nodded, he could hear Stella's voice breaking with every word "Well uh- I was trying to save Akeil- you know, the one who was shot. He developed a tension pneumothorax so I started needle decompression, the guy- they thought I was trying to kill their friend so I guess the leader or something dragged me to the lockers, he asked me which one was mine a- and when I opened it he took the picture of my family off the door and said that he'd, he'd kill them all if something happened to Akeil. I punched him in the face and then he slammed my head against the lockers knocking me out, I think, I don't remember it much. So, I wake up with my head throbbing and head into the bathroom where you found me..." "I'm sorry he threatened you and your family." Kelly yawned, he always wondered how Stella got that gash on her head. He eyes closed a little before Stella said "There's another thing, it not related to the firehouse or anything but its something i'm really scared about..." "You can tell me." "It's..."

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