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A/N Sorry for the late update! It's half tern rn and my brain can't function... bit random lol but I hope you enjoy this part as I worked rly hard on it!!


"Grant?" "Yeah." "But he hasn't been around for years, he's in rehab where he can get better." "I know that... but what happens when he gets out? I'm the only person who ever tried to help him, he's going to try and come back for me. He's not coming near Blaze, i'll make sure of that. I just don't want to be worried about her safety for all her life!" Stella whimpered, she rolled over out of Kelly's grip, she groaned "It's 3 in the morning, come on let's get some sleep, we have shift in a few hours."



"Dr Charles?" "Grant was in your apartment last night uninvited. I've contacted Chicago PD, we don't know how he's going to behave." "Thank you, i'll keep an eye out for him. Kelly!" "Is everything okay?" "I- I'm not sure... that was Dr Charles, he said Grant was in my apartment last night." "While we were..." "Yep."

*Later that night at Molly's*

"Hermann! I'm gunna go take the trash out!" "Sure thing Kidd!"

"Stella..." "Grant! Why were you in my apartment?" "I love you... come back to me..." "Grant you're on something..." "I'm not! Come on, let's get out of here!" "I'm not going anywhere with you! Uh, get off of me! Grant let go of me! Kelly!" "Stella! Get off of her!" "So you have been hooking up with him!" "Kelly he's got a knife! Ah, Grant? Oh my god!"

*End of flashback*


Stella shot upright, her whole body was sweating and shaking with fear. She flinched as Severide put his hand on her back "Hey, whats wrong?" "Just a bad dream!" "Was it about Grant?" "Yeah..." Kelly embraced Stella in a hug as she wept. "It's okay, he can't hurt you!" "I know... I just... doesn't matter- uh, what's the time?" "Half 5, why?" "I don't really feel like going back to sleep..." "We can just lay here if that's what you want." "Okay." Kelly continued to stroke Stella's hair until she settled. 

"Why are you trying to drag me off the bed?" "Kelly, its 7 in the morning! I have to be at the firehouse early to meet the floater on Ambo!" Kelly gasped, he bounced over to their wardrobe and put his clothes for shift on "Forgot about that!" "You forget about everything!" Kelly put his hand on Stella's shoulder when he realized something "Hang on, you have to meet the floater, not me!" "So?" "So... just take your car, i'll come to the firehouse later- when shift actually starts." "Fine, but don't be late! I may be pregnant but I can still kick your ass when I need to and right now my hormones are crazy!"


"Morning Chief!" "Good morning Stella! This is Emily Foster, she will be working with you until Brett gets back..." Stella smiled at Emily as Boden said "... She'll also be your replacement when you are on maternity leave." "Cool, I must warn you though... you've got some pretty big shoes to fill..." "Yours?" "N- no! Not mine, Brett's. See, i'm a firefighter so when all this," "Stella pointed at her stomach "is over i'll be back on Truck!" "Right..." 

Stella was happy to know who her replacement was, Foster seemed nice, maybe a little clueless though. Emily only had 3 months on the job but that didn't really matter. "So Foster, tell me a little about yourself." "Okay... i'm born and raised here in Chicago. I was a med student at Northwestern before I decided to become a paramedic. Figured I see more action in the field than in a hosptial..." "Cool..." Stella wasn't convinced with that sentence, Emily's voice was stuttered and she was looking at the floor. She turned to walk out of Boden's office when Severide stepped in her path, "Look who showed up!" She looked at the clock on the wall "You're on time as well!" "Stella we need to talk with Boden..." "Now?" "Yes." "But I have to pee! Bl- baby is using me as punching bag right now..." She stuttered "Did you almost- never mind, you go pee but get back here quick..." Kelly chuckled, he whispered 'Someday you'll be my wife.' to himself. 

Stella ran to the bathroom in a hurry trying to hold in her tears, talking to Kelly about Grant last night had really gotten to her. She slammed door and sat down her tears uncontrollable, "Damn it hormones!" Stella put her head in her hands not realizing Kelly had opened the door with tears slowly trickiling down his face. Severide couldn't believe how worried Stella was about Grant returning, she was the only person who tried to help him and the fact that whenever he got of rehab Grant would turn to Stella, he'd beg her to go back to him and that terrified him. "Hey..." "Hi..." "You're thinking of him aren't you." Stella nodded "He terrifies me, once he finds out about Blaze he'll try and pull a stunt to take her away from us and-" "He's not going to hurt Blaze! I'll never let him near either of you, ever!" "Its not just that..." "Ambulance 61" 

"Woah Kidd, are you alright?" Foster started 61's engine and noticed Stella's puffy cheeks "Yeah, hormones... just drive." "If you say so." 

Stella and Emily were called to supposed prank, Stella looked out the window as the pulled up "Is that a guy stuck underneath a garage door?" "Looks like it..." They were both shocked, Foster looked at the 'body' a little closer "Wait! That's not even real!" The girls started walking back to Ambo, they heard someone say "Hah! Someone actually called for paramedics!" Stella tutted as she opened the passenger side door, she muttered "Morons" under her breath a bit louder than she thought as Emily chuckled. "Help!" Foster turned and pointed to a woman who had just ran outside of her house "Did you call for paramedics?" She nodded so the girls rushed over there.

Inside the house they found a toddler who was clearly uncomfortable squirming of the sofa. "When did this start happening?" "About 15 minutes ago." Stella nodded and checked the girls pupils "Pinpoint pupils..." The mother put her hand on the girl's shoulder "Wh- what does that mean?!" "She's high out of her mind..." Foster looked the mother in the eye "Do you have any drugs in the house?" "No! Of course not!" A deep voice could be heard "Honey, what's going on?" The mother turned to her husband with teary eyes "They say she's high!" The man took a step back which caught Stella's attention. "Do you know if there's any drugs in the house?" He rubbed his forehead "She must've gotten into my stash..." What!" Foster gave the girl narcan as the parents argued in the background, this reminded Stella of when she'd come home and find Grant high. "Stella, we got to go!" "Right!" Yet again Emily noticed something was up with Stella, they quickly loaded the girl in the rig with her mother and sped away to Med.

Back at the firehouse Severide's phone was ringing, it was number he didn't recognize... "Hello?" "Is this Kelly Severide?" "Yes..." "You need to come to Chicago Med..."

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