Blaze Shay Severide

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A/N Its the crying while writing the last sentence for me

"Kelly! Kelly!" Stella launched a pillow at his head hoping to wake him up, "Get your ass up!" "No, it's 2am..." He mumbled. "I think Blaze is ready to make her appearance..." "What!" Severide shot up out of bed and began to run around the apartment like a madman, getting dressed, grabbing Stella's hospital bag and the baby carrier before ushering Stella out the door. They swiftly arrived at Med, Stella couldn't stop laughing at how panicked Kelly was; it helped take her mind off of the contractions that were starting to pick up.

Once they were settled in a room Kelly started to calm down but he was still pretty panicked. He was about to become a father. "Kelly get over here, it hurts!!" Stella groaned. Kelly grabbed her hand and winced when she squeezed it tightly, "Your- Your doing great Stella! Let me see if I can find a doctor..." "Wait, your leaving me?" She shouted but he was already gone.

"So, its finally time?" Kelly turned around to see the 2 people who had supported him and Stella throughout the pregnancy. "Casey, Brett. Good to see you- and yeah... its finally time!" "Aww yay! I can't wait to meet baby girl!" Brett exclaimed. "Thanks Brett, I've got to get back to Stella before she bites my head off!" Severide said as he ran back to Stella while finding a doctor.

"Alright Stella you're 10cm dilated! Looks like we're about to meet baby Blaze!" Dr Manning said as she positioned Stella's legs in the stirrups. "Kelly, we're about to meet Blaze!" Stella said tiredly as she got in position to push. "I know..."

*10 minutes later*

"Alright Stella I know you're tired but I can see the head, Blaze is soooo close! On your next contraction I need you to give me a big push!" Stella nodded her head, squeezing Kelly's hand and grunting in pain as she pushed and pushed and pushed until she heard the best sound ever: Blaze. "Omg, omg, omg" She whispered as Natalie laid the screaming newborn on Stella's chest. "Hi Blaze, welcome to the world..." Severide cooed completely memerised by his daughter. The new parents continued to look at their daughter in awe as Natalie told them about her, "Little miss Blaze is perfectly healthy with a weight of 8 pounds 7 ounces, a perfect APGAR score of 9 and her lungs are definetly working well!"


"Are you ready to introduce B to her firehouse family?" Kelly asked not even looking up from the bundle of joy in his arms. "Yes! I'm going to take a quick nap while you parade her to everyone." "Ok. Hey Blaze, say bye bye to mummy!" Stella smiled as Severide lifted one of Blaze's arms, moving it forward and backward in a waving motion. 

"There he is!" Severide turned the corner and heard Hermann's voice. Everyone quickly approached eager to see the firehouse's newest member. "She's the cutest baby I've ever seen!" Brett cooed. "What's her name?" Severide smiled, "51 I'd like to introduce you to Blaze, Blaze Shay Severide." Awws could be heard as the name was revealed. "Welcome to 51 Blaze!" Chief exclaimed. 

Half an hour later everyone had left (apart from Brett and Casey) to give the new family some time together. Casey clapped Kelly on the back as they walked away, he turned "Hey Kelly!" "Yep?" "Shay would be proud of you." "I know..."

Making his way back to Stella he heard a voice in his head, Shay's voice. "Who would of thought it, Kelly Severide settling down. I'm proud of you Kelly, you deserve this!"


A/N And that's it!! Thank you all for reading this, sorry the update schedule has been all over the place! 

There could potentially be a part 2 based on season 8 but just one-shots as that's kinda easier ngl... If there is do not expect regular updates! :)


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