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Suddenly Kelly's phone, it was number he didn't recognise... "Hello?" "Is this Kelly Severide?" "Yes..." "You need to come to Chicago Med..."

"Your father Benny had a stroke." Severide's eyes widened, he couldn't believe what he was hearing. "What?" "Severide you need to come! He's taken a turn for the worst." Maggie's voice was stern, she knew Kelly didn't have a great relationship with his father but deep down everyone knew they secretly cared a little about each other. "Uh okay, i'll be there in 10." Kelly stormed out of his quarters and out to his car. On the way to Med he called Boden, Kelly told Boden to tell Stella when 61 got back from their call and not bring the firehouse to Med unless it was crucial.


Foster reversed 61 back into its parking spot at the firehouse, she noticed Stella staring out the window "Hey, you okay. You seemed a little distant on that last call..." "Yeah. Just reminded me of someone..." Emily hopped out, before she shut the door she said "I know i'm new but if you ever want to talk to someone i'm here." "Thanks. Hey, this may sound a little weird but I was going to stop by Brett's apartment after shift, I think you should come and get to know your new partner, it would help the both of you. Added onto everything Brett has been through she's reallyyyyy bad with change..." "Sure! Sounds fun!"

Stella walked by Squad's table, she hoped Severide was there, she needed to talk to him about Grant. "Hey guys, where's Kelly?" "Last I saw him he was talking to Chief, looked like something was on his mind." "Thanks." Stella entered the firehouse hoping to find Kelly. She checked everywhere- his quarters, the locker room, the bathroom, the common room, the storage room but Severide wasn't in any of those places. Stella walked into the bullpen still looking for Kelly, he wasn't in Boden's office though. "Chief, where's Severide?" "Uh, this goes no further unless Kelly wants it to." Stella nodded even though she was confused, what was Boden talking about? "Earlier when 61 was on a call Kelly received a phone call from Chicago Med, Benny Severide had a stroke this morning." Stella grabbed the nearest wall "I- I have to go!" Boden gestured for the door "Go!"

Stella drove as quickly as the law would let her, within minutes she was at Med.  Strangely Kelly was the only one in the waiting room, "Kelly!" he stood as soon as he heard Stella call his name. "Hey..." he said weakly, his eyes were red, Severide had been crying. Stella waked over to him and they hugged, she pecked his lips and said "Are you alright?" "I'll be fine, he's tough." Kelly didn't sound fine... Just then Ava walked in, she looked sad. "Severide... you should sit down."

A/N I'm going to try and upload once a week bc I don't have as much school work as I thought I did (core subjects and my 3 gcse subjects).

If anyone has any Brettsey stories they enjoy plz leave me suggestions in the comments!!

See you next week!!!

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