The Plunge!

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*2 months later*

"Blaze is looking healthy , she's on the larger side so she'll probably come early." Natalie handed Severide a sonogram, "Thanks Nat! See you next month!"

The car ride back to the firehouse was quiet, Stella and Kelly didn't say a word to each other... Kelly drove and Stella stared at her baby bump, she had noticed that her bump was larger than it should be for 7 months. "Hey, you okay? You seemed a little quiet in the car..." "Y-yeah.." Stella stuttered as she headed towards the bathroom "Wait, Kelly.." She grabbed his hand and pulled him into a tight hug, after 5 minutes Stella moved away to wipe her tears that had stained her face and Kelly's shirt. "I love you, these damn hormones keep making me cry! I can't believe we might meet her sooner than we thought!" She whispered, they couldn't risk someone hearing what the gender was this close to the reveal. The couple referred to Blaze as 'Baby B' to confuse everyone into thinking she was a boy even though they had given hints that Blaze was a girl. "I can't wait to meet little B!" Stella looked into his deep blue eyes and said "I love you." "I love you too, Stella Bella!" Just as Stella started to leave Cruz came skipping in, "Wait! Kidd don't go anywhere..." Everyone looked confused "I signed all of us for the annual plunge-" Otis put his hand up "You want us to jump into Lake Michigan, in February?" "Exactly!" They all nodded apart from Stella, she put her hand on her stomach "Well I can't for obvious reasons so..." "Kidd you should film it!" "You want me to film you all freezing..." They all looked as Stella willingly "Of course! How could I miss out on the chance to embarrass you all at a later date?!" They all chuckled, "Anyway... I'm going to make sure none of you freeze your asses off and end up at Med, we've got the gender reveal next week!" The members of 51 faces lit up with excitement they'd all been trying to guess the baby's gender for months. Some of them were a little nervous to find out the gender though... 51 had done a baby sweepstake, they guessed Blaze's gender, weight, date she would be born and at what time. It had become increasing hard to guess that Blaze was a girl though as Kelly and Stella kept teasing them.


*The day of the plunge*

"Are you two ready to go?"  Kelly called out. "This coat is way too tight!" Severide could hear her frustration as Stella rustled around their bedroom looking for more layers. He opened the door, "Sit down, i'll find something." Kelly looked through his wardrobe and found an old coat, "Found somethi- Hey Stella... what's wrong?" Stella shuffled into Kelly's arms "Nothing fits anymore Kelly!"  Severide sadly smiled, "Awh I'm sorry Stella..." He cupped her cheeks so she was looking into his eyes. "Stella, I don't care if nothing fits you. All I care about is that you are making a home for  Blaze in your stomach which is amazing and I'm so grateful that I get to become a parent with you. I couldn't think of anyone else I'd rather share this experience with apart from you." Stella smiled through her tears, "Thank you Kelly, there's no one I'd rather share this with either."


"Foster, hey!" Brett waved her arm as Foster made her way over to the group, "Why did I agree to this?!" Stella put her arm round Emily's shoulders, "It's for charity... and plus this is a fun group activity." "Shut up Kidd, you're not even going in the water, you're just watching us all suffer!" "There's no way the people who run the plunge would let a 7 month pregnant woman run into Lake Michigan." Foster rolled her eyes jokingly. "Alright let's be clear. We are here for charity, we're here for fun, I don't want to see anybody push past their limits. I expect to see every one of you on duty tomorrow. And with that said... let's show those lightweights over at the 21st District what we can do!!" Boden boomed as he stood in front of everyone. A voice ran through the speakers "And now taking to the water are the firefighters and paramedics from Firehouse 51!!" Stella took her phone out of the coat Kelly gave her and started filming, they weren't even a minute in before Stella realised it was freezing out. 'Wish I'd worn more layers' She thought as she mentally slapped herself.

"Hey Severide, Kidd's looking a little cold. Me and Foster are getting out to check on her." Brett said as she swam to the shore. Kelly glanced at Stella, she was shivering holding the camera and looked pale like a ghost. He got out with the girls and they hurried over to where she was standing, "Hey Stell, you good?" She nodded "You're freezing, aren't you?" Again she nodded her head as tears escaped her eyes. Kelly wrapped himself in a towel and then Stella in his embrace. "It's ok Kidd, let's get you warmed up." She nodded as Kelly walked her away. "Can we get breakfast?" "Of course. Anything for you and Blaze."

"Look who's awake B." Stella stretched her arms out to find Kelly talking to her bump. "You better not be corrupting our daughter..." "It's just father-daughter stuff, you wouldn't get it..." Stella scoffed "What about breakfast, last I remember we were talking about getting some and next thing I know i'm in bed!" Severide shuffled up to his pillow "You" He booped Stella on the nose while she swatted her hand away "fell asleep in the car. Don't worry though I've kept some warm for my 2 favorite girls." "Good!" Stella mimicked for Kelly to help her up "Because your 2 favorite girls are starrrrving!" He chuckled as they walked to the kitchen.

"4 pancakes with nutella and sprinkles coming up!" He announced. "Kelly, I have an idea for how to reveal that Blaze is a girl to 51." Kelly nodded as he sipped his coffee. "We make pancakes for them for breakfast, pink pancakes to be precise and see how long it takes for them to guess..." "I like it, you could wear pink as well and see if they pick up on that." "Ooh! We can bring pink snacks- OMG. We should leave letters spelling out 'It's a girl' around the firehouse!" "Yes! Now we..." Kelly took a bite out of one of Stella's pancakes "...have a plan!"

A/N sorry it took so long to update (had a bit of writers block and I've been reading way too much brettsey fanfiction ngl) but this is my final week of year 9 so hopefully I can update and write more during the summer

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